
Everyone needs help and I've learned a lot from it._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
要求:不少于60词,开头不算在字数内,通过自己的亲身经历,谈谈你的感受,说明“帮助”的意义。要求用上这些词:be good at,find with one's help,realize,ask sb. to do
Dear Lily,
I'm sorry to hear that____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
Yours sincerely,Jenny

第1个回答  2008-08-29
1. Everyone needs help and I've learnt a lot from it. Nobody can be good at everything. Sometimes we find with one's help life can become much less troublesome. If you ask somebody to do something for you, you must also realize that they may expect the same in return. I've had experiences in my life that proves it. Once I asked a classmate to pay for my meal because I had lost my wallet, he expected me to treat him to dinner the very next day!

2. Dear Lily,
I'm sorry to hear that you have not been well lately. I understand that since you are in the final year of middleschool you have alot of pressure. You should take it easy! Your health should be the most important thing as without it you cannot achieve anything at all! Here are some tips from me to help you get back on track with keeping a balance between studying and relaxing. Firstly you should eat healthy food such as fruits and vegetables and try to have less fastfood which is bad for you. You should also sleep more instead of trying to cram homework too much as you will learn better and faster with a fresh mind in the morning! This leads me to my last point, you should plan your workload better. Try to make a schedule of when to do the homework for each subject. When you have a schedule to follow you will be able to make better use of your time.

I hope this helps!

Yours sincerely,

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第2个回答  2008-08-29
第3个回答  2008-08-29