

第1个回答  2022-10-15
Start early. Going into work early was one of my favorite tricks — it was quiet
before the phones and chatter and meetings started
and I could get a lot of work done in peace. By the time everyone else was getting started
I’d gotten o or three big tasks checked off.

1. 早早开始
Limit your hours. It’s ironic
because so many people work long hours and think they’re getting more done and being more productive. But they’re throwing brute hours at the problem. Instead
cut back on your hours and set a limit — say 6 or 7 hours a day — and get your most essential work done within that limit. If you know you’re only working 6 hours today
you’ll be sure to get the important tasks done first and waste less time. Limits force you to be effective.

2. 限制时间

Make a short list. Make a long list of all the tasks you need to do … then make a short list of 1-3 things you really want to get done. Choose so that
if you got only these tasks done
you’d be proud of what you did today. Start with the most important task
before checking email or reading online.

3. 缩短计划单


Batch distractions. What are your mon distractions? Perhaps things like email
reading blogs
Twitter or another social neork? Set a time for these
preferably later in the day: say
from 3-4 p.m. Don’t do the distractions before then. By grouping them all into one time period
you allow yourself to do other work first
but still get in your distraction time. Another approach might be to do them for 10 minutes at the end of each hour — but stick to that 10-minute limit!

4. 打包分心的事物

Write shorter emails. If email takes up a lot of your day
the simple change of limiting yourself to 3-4 sentences per email will make a big difference. First
it’ll drastically shorten the time it takes to write or respond to emails. And second
it’ll shorten responses to your emails
which means you’ll spend less time reading email.

5. 写短的邮件


Limit meetings. The fewer the better. Some top Google executives just do 5-minute meetings — anyone who attends these meetings had better be prepared
and concise. If you can get out of meetings and just get the notes
or find an alternative way to municate
it could save you hours per week.

6. 控制会议时间

Automate. The fewer repetitive and routine tasks you have to do
the more time you’ll free up for creating and important work. So automate wherever possible: have people fill things out electronically
or get info from your website instead of emailing or calling you
or use a service that automatically processes payments or ships your product
and so on.

7. 自动化

Eliminate paperwork. I used to deal with a lot of paperwork
and even then I knew it was a waste of my time. If businesses and anizations could have paperwork filled out electronically
it would save a lot of paper
and duplicate effort. Whenever possible
eliminate paperwork in favor of digital. This might be more of a long-term move.

8. 淘汰纸质文件

Clear your desk. This can be done in a few minutes. Clear everything off the top of your desk. Only put back a few essential items. Everything else should be: filed
given to the appropriate person
given a permanent spot in a drawer
or trashed/recycled. Make quick decisions and then get back to work.

9. 清理你的办公桌


Get away. If you can get out of your office
you can find a peaceful spot where you can focus on important work. Find a spot where you can work
turn off the Inter and do your work
and then turn the Inter back on so you can email or upload it to the appropriate spot. Working from home is a good option here. The more you can do this (it might be once a week
or an hour a day
or half of every workday)
the better.

10. 离开

Take breathing breaks. Every 15-20 minutes
get up from your desk
and take a breathing break. It could be simply walking around the office
saying hi to someone
or even better
getting outside to get some fresh air. Walk around
get your blood circulating
perhaps massage your neck and shoulders if you feel tension. Do some pushups if you want to get fitter. When you get back to work
remind yourself what you want to be working on
and clear away all distractions.

11. 做短暂的休息

每工作15到20分钟,站起来休息一下。可能就是简单的在办公室走一圈,或者跟同事问声好,或者更好的去户外呼吸一下新鲜空气。走一走,促进你的血液循环,再或者当你感觉酸痛时, *** 一下你的颈部和肩膀。如果你想更健壮一点,那就做几个俯卧撑。当你回去工作时,提醒自己要做什么工作,并且排除一切杂念。

Practice a focus ritual. Every hour or o
do a refocus ritual. This only takes a minute or o. You might start it by closing down your browser and maybe other open applications
and maybe even take a walk for a couple of minutes to clear your head and get your blood circulating. Then return to your list of Most Important Tasks and figure out what you need to acplish next. Before you check email again or go back online
work on that important task for as long as you can. Repeat this refocus ritual throughout the day
to bring yourself back. It’s also nice to take some nice deep breaths to focus yourself back on the present. More focus rituals.

12. 练习集中精神

Schedule big blocks of creative time. Not everyone can do this
but when possible
put a big block of 3-4 hours in your schedule for creating or doing other important work. Make this time inviolate
and don’t allow meetings or other things to be scheduled during this time. Be ruthless about clearing distractions and doing the work you love during these blocks
taking breathing breaks as necessary. Rejoice in your creativity.

13. 安排大块的创意时间
