

第1个回答  2024-06-22
Yes, I am willing to.
"Yes" is commonly used to respond, and "I am willing to" can be expressed with various phrases such as "I do," "I will," or "I'm willing." These phrases are typically used to express one's own willingness or consent. A classic response in American sitcoms during proposals is "Yes, I do." Another classic line during weddings is "I am willing to marry you."
For example:
- "I can act on them. And I do." (Yes, I am willing to.)
- "Yes, I would recommend this instructor to other students." (Yes, I am willing to.)
- "I would like to give you my most precious thing, to the only you." (Yes, I am willing to.)
The opposite of "Yes, I am willing to" is "No, I am not willing to," which shows a lack of consent or unwillingness. When expressing a lack of willingness, one might typically say "I do not want." However, this can seem impolite. A more polite way to express unwillingness is to say "Sorry, I am not willing to." Alternatively, one can smile and say, "Tempting, but no." This means that while the proposal is attractive, one cannot agree to it, allowing for a polite refusal without offending the other person.
For example:
- "I am not willing to be weak."
- "I don't want to go to school."
- "No, I don't want to go."