

第1个回答  2023-02-14
Go outing with your friends and put your work or troubles aside for a while. This way you can vent the pressure that has collected inside your body.



Ann: It's ten more miles to the destination. 离目的地还有十里多。 Ben: Oh, dear! But it looks ten thousand more. My legs don't seem to be mine now. 什么!看上去简直是万里长征。我的腿已经不听使唤了。 Mike: Come on, Ben! Can you see the blue sky and green mountains? And the fresh air! What is to be afraid of if you can enjoy what you can't get at work? 得了,本。看见这蓝天、这青山了吗?还有这么清新的空气!要是能享受到这些上班时享受不到的东西,还有什么可担心的? Ben: Mike, I decide to forget about my work and face up to this challenging trip. 迈克,我决心不去想工作了,迎接这次旅行的挑战。 Ann: That's right, Ben. I'm glad you are man enough. The scenery is so beautiful, and it's really worth our effort. 这就对了,本,像个男子汉。风景多好啊,再累都值。 Ben: I think so. 确实是。 Mike: Everything here is new and refreshing and seems to be mixed into one. You can hardly tell who's who and which is which. 这里的一切都那么清新、和谐,彼此交融。 Ann: That's why I love outing. It makes you feel so close to the nature. Besides, you'll easily get energetic again. 这就是我喜欢户外远足的原因。它使你感觉是和自然那么亲近,让你觉得一下子精神焕发。 Ben: Quite right. 你说得对。

Notes: 1 Mike, I decide to forget about my work and face up to this challenging trip. face up to = recognize and deal with honestly and bravely 诚实而又勇敢地承认和解决,对付 例句: You must face up to the fact that no one is young forever.

2 ...and it's really worth our effort. worth = of value equal to 值,等于......的价值 例句: Four days' car hire costs $80, which is well worth it for the places you're able to drive to.

情景对话 2:


Lynn: Ok. Here we are. 好,我们到了。 Allen: This is really a nice spot for picnics. I'm starving. Let's eat right away. 这真是野餐的好地方。我饿极了,我们现在就吃饭吧。 Lynn: First things first. You get the food out of the basket, and I'll build a fire over there. 最重要的事情要先办。你把食物从篮子里拿出来,我到那儿去生个火。 Allen: Good. Here is the tablecloth. I'll spread it out on the grass. 好的。这是桌布,我把它铺在草地上。 Lynn: What food did you bring? 你都带什么吃的了? Allen: These are hamburgers and hot dogs, and those are drinks, and chocolate cake. The peanut butter and sauce are in another PE bag. 这些是汉堡包和热狗,那些是饮料和巧克力蛋糕,花生黄油和调味汁在另一个塑料袋里。 Lynn: Some premoist towelette too. Boy, you're really thoughtful. 还有几条湿纸巾。你想得真周到。 Allen: What shall we broil first? 我们先烤什么? Lynn: Hamburgers. Don't burn it. 汉堡包。别烤焦了。 Allen: I'll try not to...it's ready now. Have one. 我尽量吧......好了,来一个。 Lynn: Thank you. My god, it tastes good. You're quite a cook. 谢谢。天哪,味道真好。你的手艺真不错。 Allen: Why, thank you. Let's have a coke, and then go fishing somewhere by the river. 谢谢。我们喝杯可乐,然后到河边钓鱼去。 Lynn: That's a marvelous idea. 好主意。

Notes: 1 I'm starving. Let's eat right away. right away = now 立刻 例句: Let's get the car started right away.

2 First things first. 最重要的事情先办。 例句: Don't worry, your car can be repaired, but first things first, are you sure that you're not hurt?

3 Boy, you're really thoughtful. boy在口语中用来表示惊奇,兴奋。 例句: Boy, that was good! Look here, boy, this simply won't do.


May I suggest a camping in the suburb? Shall we have time for an outing? We can make a weekend picnic there. We'd better rent a camper. Shall we sing and dance round the campfire? I bet you've never seen such beautiful views before. Boy, you're really thoughtful. It's not bad to go camping during this season.