

第1个回答  2023-08-29



1、The driver took us to the airport in a hurry to catch our flight.司机匆忙地将我们送往机场,以赶上我们的航班。

2、The taxi driver was very skilled at navigating through the city's busy streets.这位出租车司机在繁忙的市区街道上驾驶非常熟练。

3、My father works as a truck driver, delivering goods across the country.我父亲是一名卡车司机,负责跨国家运输货物。

4、The bus driver announced the next stop over the loudspeaker.公交车司机通过扩音器宣布了下一站。

5、The race car driver skillfully maneuvered through the twists and turns of the track.赛车手在赛道的弯道和转弯处巧妙地操控着赛车。

6、The driver honked the horn impatiently as the traffic came to a standstill.当交通堵塞时,司机不耐烦地按响喇叭。

7、The chauffeur opened the car door for the celebrity and greeted him with a smile.私人司机为名人打开车门,并微笑着向他致以问候。

8、The long-distance bus driver made regular stops to allow passengers to stretch their legs.长途汽车司机定期停车,让乘客活动一下腿部。

9、The delivery driver carried heavy packages up flights of stairs to reach the customer's apartment.送货司机将沉重的包裹一层一层地搬上楼,送到客户的公寓。

10、The race driver emerged victorious after hours of intense competition on the racetrack.经过几个小时的激烈比赛,赛车手脱颖而出,取得了胜利。