初一英语作文,竞选班干部,(1:个人爱好特长及突出的优点 2:你想竞选什么班长部 3你当

初一英语作文,竞选班干部,(1:个人爱好特长及突出的优点 2:你想竞选什么班长部 3你当班干部后打算做什么)7O词左右

第1个回答  2015-04-30
I love to sing, love to dance, in the city's award-winning game. I want to run for literary committee. Singing can cultivate people's sentiments, dance can train a person's body. I would like to lead everyone to sing and dance together, this can enrich our campus life, in strive, exercise at the same time, more conducive to our learning.本回答被网友采纳