

第1个回答  2013-10-19
Unit. 91. be content with = be satisfied with 对…满意 be content to do sth 满足于做某事… content oneself with 满足于2. the United Nations 联合国 The House of Representatives 众议院3. sustainable development 可持续发展 sustain = support 支撑4. kill time 消磨时光 kill off 消灭 / 杀光5. get / gain access to 接近 have free access to 自由利用 give sb access to 答应让某人使用….6. live in poverty 过着贫穷的生活7. take part in = join in8. stress = emphasize 着重 / 强调 lay / put great access on 着重 / 重视 under the stress of 为…所迫9. be on an equal with sb 与某人平等 be equal to 与…对等 be equal in… 在…平等10. be responsible for 对…负责 take the responsibility of / for doing 负起做某事的责任 a sense of responsibility 责任感 bear responsibility for 对…. 负有责任11. take action 采取行动 take apart 拆开 take back one's words 收回某人的话 take charge 负责 take for 认为 take in 吸收 / 接纳 be taken in by sb 被某人欺骗 take on 呈现/ 雇佣 / 承担 take great trouble to do sth 不辞辛苦干某事 take sb in one's arms 拥抱某人 Action speaks louder than words 事实胜于雄辩 bring into action 使行动起来 go into action 行动起来12. be willing to do sth 愿意干某事 against one's will 违背某人意愿 at will 随心所欲13. be in harmony with 与…协调be out of harmony with 与…不协调, in agreement with 和….一致 agree with (气候,饮食,环境)与…一致, agree on (双方)就…达成一致意见14. put an end to sth = sth bring to an end = sth come to an end 结束… end up with / in 以…结束,聋作哑make ends meet 量入为出15. wipe out 消灭 / 擦洗 / 去除 wipe off 擦掉 wipe away擦掉 wipe off one's debts 还清债务16. have no choice / alternative but to do sth 别无选择只好做某事17. car –pooling 合伙用车18. be affected with… 被传染… affect = have an effect on 影响19. advise sb (not) to do sth 劝某人(不)做某事20. make / take a note of = make / take notes of 记录 / 记下 compare notes 交换意见 take note of 注意到21. make sure of / about sth 保证… make sure that … It is certain that … 一定/必定 be sure to do = be certain to do 务必做…22. be all for …. 完全赞同 go for 支持… fight for 为…而战 struggle for 为…而奋斗
23. all alone = all by oneself 独自 all along 一直 all the same 仍然 all out 全力 all through 全部 all round 到处 all over 遍及24. do whatever one can to do try one's best to do 尽某人所能做…. do everything (that) one can to do try all / every means to do do all (that) one can to do make an effort to do do as much as one can to do spare no efforts to do 25. Inversion 倒装A. 完全倒装:In / out / up / down / away / here / there / over / off / next / such / back + come/ go / rush / run等不及物动词Next came Tom's turn. Such ended his life. (主语是代词时,仍使用正常语序):In he came and the lesson began.B. 部分倒装:①Never / little / no / hardly / seldom / not / by no means / in no case / in no time / not until / not a bit / scarcely / barely / no longer / at no time / no sooner …(than) / hardly…(when…)/ not only …(but also…) Never before have I heard of such a man. ②Only + 地点 / 方式 / 时间状语(从句): Only in this way can you make progress in English study. Only when one is away from home does one realize how nice home is. ③Cleverest as he is, he doesn't work hard. (=Although he is the cleverest, he doesn't work hard.) Child as he is, he knows a lot. (=Although he is a child, he knows a lot.)④so / such ….that 引导的结果状语从句 So loudly did he speak that everyone could hear him.⑤省略if的虚拟语气要把had, should, were 提到句首引起倒装: Had he worked hard (= If he had worked hard), he would have got through the exams. Should it rain tomorrow (= If it should rain tomorrow), we would have to put off the visit to the Summer Palace.Unit. 101. frighten sb into doing sth frighten sb out of doing sth frightening be frightened to do 害怕做 be frightened of = be afraid of 害怕 be frightened to death = be scared to death 吓得要死2. on end 直立 / 竖立 end up直立 / 竖立 make ends meet 量入为出 end up with / in 以…结束3. draw / attract / catch / get one's attention to 吸引某人的注意 bring…to one's attention 使某人注意到某事 focus / fix / devote one's attention on 留心 / 专心于 hold one's attention on 将注意力集中于4. rise up 起义 give rise to 引起 on the rise 在上涨5. on the spot 当场 / 在现场 spotlight 6. at first sight 第一眼 at the sight of … 看见 catch / have / get sight of 看见 / 发现 in / within sight 看得见 out of sight 看不见 lose sight of 看不见7. at hand 近在手边/ 在附近 by hand 用手工 hand in hand 携手 in hand 随时可用 at first hand 直接地 / 亲自 with one's own hand 由某人亲自8. lose courage = lose heart cluster up one's courage to do sth 鼓起勇气做… 9. flee from = run away from = escape from 逃离… 10. urge sb to do sth = urge sb into doing sth 催促 / 力劝某人干某事 urge against sth 极力反对… 11. calm (sb) down 使某人镇定 / 平静 stay / keep / remain calm 保持冷静12. on board 上船(火车/飞机/汽车) 13. knock about 冲击 / 碰撞 / 接连打击 knock down 撞倒在地 knock into 相撞 / 不期而遇 knock off 把…撞下来 knock out 击倒14. all of a sudden = suddenly = all at once 突然15. live through 度过 / 经受住 live by 以…为生 live on = feed on以…为食 live up to 辜负get through to 接通到 pass through 通过 look through 浏览 break through 突破16. as though = as if meanwhile = at the same time 与此同时17. get into a panic 惊慌失措起来 be in a panic 惊慌18. be severe with oneself 严于律己 be severe on / upon sb 对待某人严格19. at a distance of …在距离…(多远)处 in the distance 在远处 keep a distance away 保持一定距离20. leave for = set out / off for = start out / off for 动身前往… set out to do = get down to doing = set about doing 着手干…21. upon arrival = on arrival 一到达 as soon as / immediately / instantly / directly / the moment / the second / the minute + 时间状语从句 hardly + had sb. done(过去完成时) when + 一般过去时 No sooner + had sb. done sth.(过去完成时) than + 一般过去时22. have something to do with 与…有关 be connected with与…有关系 / 和…相连接23. the more, the better 多多益善The higher we went up the mountain, the colder it became. more… than … 与其说…倒不如说… He was more frightened than hurt24. hold out (食品)维持 / 提供 / 坚持hold back 隐瞒 / 阻止 hold down 阻止 / 制止 hold on to 执着于 hold over 延期hold to 坚持 / 抓住 hold up 举起 / 抢劫 hold together 连在一起25. what's up = what's happening = what's the matter 出了什么事26. do for 可作…用 / 对…使用 The room is rather small, but it will do for me. 希望对楼主有帮助,谢谢!