
I’m Xia Lin. I’m 20. My aunt lives in Shanghai. I went to visit her with my dad in the holiday. We drive a car to Shanghai, but we didn’t know her address.(地址)Then dad called aunt, we met (见面)at the gate of a big supermarket. We were very happy to meet, because we haven’t seen(见面) for 1 year. On the second day, aunt took us to visit many places. In the evening, we cooked many dishes in aunt’s home. We were all excited. We sang many songs and danced in the meeting room. On the third day, we went to a park. We had a picnic in the park. We talked about our family, and our lives. We were very happy. On the fourth day, dad and I left Shanghai. We made a promise(约定), we would get together next year.
( ) 1. What did Xia Lin do on her holiday?
A. She drove a car. B. She visited her aunt. C: She was happy.
( ) 2.How did they feel when they met? They felt ?
A. sad B. excited C: happy
( ) 3. What did they do on the evening of the second day? They .
A. visited many places. B.cooked many dishes at home. C: went to a park
( ) 4.When did they have a picnic? They had a picnic on .
A. the 2nd day B. the 3rd day C: the 4th day
( ) 5. When will we meet again?
A. Tomorrow B. Next week C: Next year

第1个回答  2014-05-25
数词:序数词表示排列的顺序   序数词的缩写形式: first---1st second---2nd thirty-first---31st    1.first (1st)   2. second (2nd)   3. third (3rd)   4.fourth (4th)   5.fifth (5th)   6.sixth (6th)   7. seventh (7th)   8. eighth (8th)   9. ninth (9th)   10. tenth (10th)   11. eleventh (11th)   12. twelfth (12th)   13. thirteenth (13th)   14. fourteenth (14th)   15.fifteenfifteenth (15th)   16.sixteensixteenth (16th)   17.seventeen seventeenth (17th)   18.eighteen eighteenth (18th)   19.nineteen nineteenth (19th)   20.twenty twentieth (20th)   21.twenty-one twenty-first (21st)   22.twenty-two twenty-second (22nd)   30.thirty thirtieth(30th)   40.forty fortieth (40th)   50.fifty fiftieth (50th)   60.sixty sixtieth (60th)   70.seventyseventieth (7th)   80.eighty eightieth (80th)   90.ninety ninetieth (90th)   100.a/one hundred one-hundredth (100th)   101.one hundred and one one hundred and first (101st)   1000.a/one thousand one thousandth (1000th)   1,000,000.a/one million one millionth (1,000,000th)   除了first, second, third以及和它们一起组成的高位序数词以外,序数词的构成方法是在 相应的基数词之后加-th,但要注意fifth, eighth, twelfth等不规则拼法。twenty, thirty等在变 为序数词时,要把y变成i, 再加-eth。
第2个回答  推荐于2021-02-04
1. B
2. C
4. B
5. C