
It's easy to look at the Olympians we see on TV (especially when it comes to sports like curling. Ridiculous but yet oddly hypnotizing...) and think to ourselves, "I could do that!" Well, if you're on this page with a family-size bag of chips in your lap and a 2-liter of Mountain Dew at your side, you may want to think again.
Hate to break it to you, but there are a few automatic disqualifiers.
If you're a male, you have a 1 in 45,487 chance of playing basketball. But equestrian? ''1 in 67''. For females, you have the same shot as the men in playing basketball, but your best bet is handball -- coming in at a ripe ''1 in 40.''Talk about game changers!
For the record, being an Olympic athlete, even when you've made it is ''not'' a well-paying gig. The NFL football players that barely have a place on the bench will run laps around your bank account.
Monitor your life 24/7. You're not training a few hours a day -- you're training 24/7.
6.Because of that, look into being a part of your sport's NGB (very different than the KGB). That's the National Governing Board for whatever it is you're doing. The more you make yourself known, the better.

第1个回答  2014-04-03
如果你是男性,你有一个1 45487打篮球的机会。但马?”1 67”。对于女性,你有同样的镜头是人在打篮球,但你最好的赌注是手球——即将在一个成熟的“1 40。“游戏改变者''talk!
24 / 7监视你的生活。你不训练几个小时——你训练的24 / 7。