

第1个回答  2022-12-19
long的读音是:英[l??]。long的例句是用作形容词(adj.)She was slender and had long dark hair.她身材苗条,有一头长长的黑发。long【近义词】lengthy。
adj.(形容词)长的,长久的,长期的,长时间的,很长个子高的冗长的,拖长的...以上,足足长音的似乎比实际时间长的远的希望渺茫的adv.(副词)长久地,长期地,很久地,久已始终遥远地早多时尽可能只要既然由于就…来说长时间地不再,不复再见v.(动词)渴想,极想,热望n.(名词)长裤【语】长音节长尺寸朗长期间,长时间,长时期【商】看涨的人,买空的人做多头的人【语音】长母音,长子音长信号_null.中国姓氏龙、郎、农的音译abbr.(缩略词)=longitude 经度二、双解释义
adj.(形容词)长的 measuring a large, or larger than average, amount from one end to the other长久的 covering a certain distance from one end to the other or a certain timeadv.(副词)长久地,长期地 for a long time很久地,久远地 at a long timen.(名词)[U]长时间,长时期 interval, after a period of timev.(动词)vi. 渴望;极想 desire;wish;want sth very much三、网络解释
1. 长的:-f 和-l选项会报告长的(long),或完全的(full)包含其他的细节的列表. UNIX系统提供一个nohup命令来使命令不被挂起. nohup命令是一组特殊unix命令的一个,这组命令被称为 prefix command(前缀命令),这个命令在其他命令之前使用.
2.long:longitudinal; 经度的
3.long:longitude; 经度;经线
She was slender and had long dark hair.
She bought some roses with long stems.
He delivered a long prose full of platitudes.
I haven't seen him for a long while.
After such a long walk you may feel hungry.
The long vowels have undergone much modification.
I haven't known her long.
I knew Tom long before I knew you.
She plays her radio all day long.
She sat by her sick husband all night long.
She longed to be back in China.
They long for a chance to visit Shanghai.
This won't take long.
用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.The pupils have two long holidays every year.
学生们每年有两次长假。His long illness and consequent absence from school delayed his progress of study.
他长时间生病以及随后的缺课耽搁了他的学业。They have begun the long and tiresome grind of preparing themselves for college entrance.
他们已经开始考大学前那种长期而劳累地埋头苦学了。There was a long interval before he replied.
一段长时间的间隔之后,他才做答复。After a long separation, they held a glad meeting.
阔别多年之后,他们举行了一个令人愉快的聚会。We succeeded in winning the contract, but for a long time, we were sailing against the wind, and were doubtful of our success.
我们终于签订了那份合同,但在很长一段时间里我们一直遇到重重阻力,以致不敢相信自己能获得成功。After a long hunt for him, we saw him emerging from the crowd.
我们找了他半天之后,看见他从人群里出来了。By all appearance the strike will go on for a long time.
显然这次罢工要持续很长时间。The amount of coal of this country will be exhaustible within not a long time.
这个国家的煤储藏量在不久的将来就会用尽。For a long period of time Latin was the literary language of Italy.
有很长一段时间,拉丁语是意大利的文学语言。The long war exhausted our country in the nineteenth century.
在19世纪,长期的战争使我们的国家民穷财尽。The long journey knocked her up.
长途旅行把她累坏了。She had been away on a long trip.
她曾旅行到过很远的地方。They were unused to walking long distance.
他们不习惯长距离的步行。It was a terrible grind getting up that long hill.
爬上那个漫长的斜坡令人极度劳累。She plays a very dramatic woman with flashing eyes and a long black dress.
她饰演一位身着黑色长装、双眼闪光的引人注目的妇人。The plot is rather thin for such a long story.
对这样长的故事来说,这个情节显得太单薄了。That long talk healed many differences.
那次长谈消除了很多分歧。A long talk is tedious.
冗长的谈话令人生厌。It is a long shot but I think John must have known about the murder.
虽然这只是个猜测,但我认为约翰对这件谋杀案一定知情。用作表语S+be+~Your car is longer than mine.
你的汽车比我的长。It's an hour long.
这有一个钟头之久。The garden is 20 metres long and 15 metres wide.
这个花园有20米长,15米宽。The house is 40 feet long and 20 feet broad.
这屋长40英尺,宽30英尺。This new railway is four hundred kilometres long.
这条新铁路有400公里长。S+be+~+on n .He is long on brains.
他头脑聪明。He is long on hope.
他有很多希望。S+be+~+(in) v -ingYou have been long fetching the car.
你去取车子已经很久了。I won't be long unpacking.
我很快就会把行李打开。He was a long time writing a letter.
他竟花了半天才写出一封信。He won't be long making up his mind.
他很快就会作决定。Spring is long in coming.
春天姗姗来迟。He is long in returning.
他迟迟归来。用作副词(adv.)用作状语My grandpa has long thought of retiring at 80.
我祖父早就想在80岁退休。I've long wanted to meet her.
我很久以来就想见她。He remained long in London.
他在伦敦呆了很久。He stayed up long after midnight.
午夜以后,他久久没睡。I have long been cherishing the hope of visiting Beijing.
我很久以来一直想参观北京。They had not been married long when her husband was ordered abroad.
她丈夫受命出国时,他们结婚还没多久。He said that he had seen a tiger long before.
他说他很久以前见过老虎。He hasn't long been back.
他刚回来。I'm sorry but I can't stay longer.
对不起,我不能再久留了。用作名词(n.)Were you there for long?
你到那儿很久了吗?Shall you be away for long?
你得离开很久吗?He was imprisoned for long.
他被监禁在牢里很久了。I can't stay for long.
我呆不了多久。Shall I have long to wait?
我要等很长时间吗?用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~+to- vWe are longing to see you.
我们极想见到你。Ever since then I've been longing to meet him face to face.
She could not have come a very long distance.
出自:T. HardyAnnette walked quickly, taking long strides.
出自:I. MurdochShe has long brown hair hanging down her back.
出自:E. CaldwellThe long stretch of Government Road.
出自:W. BoydShe longed to have her ambitions aroused.
出自:E. L. DoctorowHe longed for him to be taken into care.
出自:M. Amis'Have you known her long?' I asked...'Since she was a child.'
出自:J. BuchanA series of..kindly housekeepers (none of whom stayed very long).
出自:J. MitchellHe..would long remember their talk.
出自:D. PraterI don't know how much longer I'll..keep on that job.
出自:N. Gordimer七、词源解说
☆ 直接源自古英语的long,意为长的,长期的。long的相关近义词