牛虻英文的一些语句 需要英文




第1个回答  2011-11-05
The automatic station is at the specified location, just look at a spectacular sunrise. He again asked to be blindfolded him, his arrogance stern face forced the captain reluctantly agreed. Both of them forget they are tortured in the soldiers.

His smiling face they stood, short barrel carbine in their hands shake.

" I'm ready." He said.

Lieutenant stepped forward, moved to tremble. He had previously ordered executed.

"Ready -- -- shooting gun!"

Gadfly tottered, immediately returned to balance, a bullet missed, and scratched his face, a few drops of blood fell on the white scarf, another bullet hit in the knee upper part >. After the smoke cleared, the soldiers saw him still smile, was the only disability hand wiping cheeks on the blood.

" Guys, playing too bad!" he said, his voice clear and loud, those poor soldiers terrified," again."

This horse Marines give a groan, they shiver. Everyone to go to the side of target, a secret hope that the fatal bullet is fired beside him, instead he shot. Gadfly stood there, smiling at them. They only put a shot into the massacre, this terrible thing will begin again. Suddenly, they were driven to distraction. They lay down short barrel carbine, but listening to officer angry curse and scold be convulsed with fear, stared at had been shot but not killed.

Command takes them face shook his fist, viciously ordered each of them and took place, to end this thing. He and they lose presence of mind, dare not go to stand down the terrible image. When the Gadfly spoke to him a dig, heard the voice, he was frightened, trembling.

" Colonel, you brought a terrible death squads to have a look! I can put their conditioning. Okay, guys! Put your tools for higher, you left a little. Cheer up, man, you get is not a carbine, frying pan! You all ready? Then to prepare himself -- --"

" Shoot!" shouted the captain rushed forward to. This guy actually ordered the execution of his death sentence, is really unbearable.

Also a be fusillade. Subsequent formation is scattered, shivering soldiers crowded into a mass, wide-eyed look forward. A soldier without even shot, he dropped his rifle, squat body moan:" I can't -- I can't!"

The smoke dispersed slowly, and then rising up, into the dawn. They saw the Gadfly has fallen, they saw that he was not dead. Zero time, soldiers and officers stood there, it turned to stone. They looked at the terrible thing writhing on the ground struggles. Then the doctor and captain ran, screamed, because he supported a knee brace yourself, still face the soldiers, still laughing.

" Missed again! -- once again, the boys have a look -- -- -- if you can't"

He suddenly began to shake, and then to the side down on the grass.

He was still smiling, is the only disability hand wiping the blood on her face

He slowly raised his right hand has been interrupted, open cross, Jesus's face was smeared with blood.

Father, your God ---- he satisfied?

What I can offer, only one, that is to say, a broken heart.

If I must die, I will marry the darkness be my bride.

There are some very beautiful deep sentence translation from the original help to find the best, welcome to provide more!

There is, please use English phrases adjectives to describe the brave, selfless dedication, be firm and inflexible, loyal, optimistic and about love, affection of the word.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2011-11-17