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翻译的好再++ 50分 2006--2007 英语社活动
1.时间: 11月X日(周一)
3.嘉宾: 王老师 金老师 赵老师 韩老师 高书记
4.活动名称: Fashion


下面请大家以热烈的掌声对各位老师的到来表示欢迎,到场的有我们的王老师 金老师 赵老师 韩老师 高书记
二. 首先请图象一班侯月皎同学为大家演唱英文歌曲 《yesterday once more》
三. 下一个节目,英文小幽默,由图象一班鲍默同学表演
四.在你的世界 里充满阳光,洋溢着喜气,挥洒着热情,你的热情是五彩斑斓的,你的世界是充满梦幻般色彩的
下面请听英文诗朗诵《 》
六. 下面我想请几位同学对大家说说你参加英语社的感想,比如说为什么而来,想做些什么
七. 接下来我要教大家做两个小游戏
首先第一个游戏:我事先准备一个单词,我把单词中的一个字母用_ _ _i__形式给大家,请大家猜其他几
你们都是用软件翻译的啊,看看语法,有很大的漏洞的- =!拜托啊

第1个回答  2007-11-16
2006 - 2007 English clubs activities
1. Time: November X (Monday)
2. Location:
3. Guests: the teacher Ms. Wang Zhao, secretary of the high teacher Han teacher
4. Activities Name: Fashion

A commencement of the event, host welcoming address

Ladies and gentlemen, teachers, students, and everyone
We are very grateful to find time in his busy schedule to attend the opening ceremony of English clubs.
I call on everyone with warm applause by the arrival of the teachers welcome, we have arrived at the scene of the teacher Ms. Wang Jin Zhao, secretary of the high teacher Han teacher
Today's风儿exceptionally fresh, its tension our brilliant smiling faces, the joy that they had our minds, in order to enrich the school's after-school students have active cultural life,
We raise the standard of English, Spoken English, reading ability, specially created English society.
At today's opening ceremony, we invited a number of specially in English accomplished students to bring you a full program of entertainment, let us warmly
Applause welcomed
2. Call first images of a group of Hou Jiao students singing English songs for you "yesterday once more"
3. Under a program, English humor, the image shows a group of鲍默students
4. Your world full of sunlight, filled with festivity, artificial in an enthusiastic, your enthusiasm is multicolored Colorful, your world is full of fantastic colors
Please listen to English poetry recitation ""
5. Below from our dubbing actor Yu for all students perform some English dubbing films
6. Now I would like to ask you to talk about several students on the importance of English clubs to participate in your thoughts, for instance, why come to do
7. Then I have to teach you to do two small game
First of all the first game: I prepared a word, the word I used in the letter _ _ _i__ forms to you, let us guess several other
What is a letter, the first to guess who this word on acid win
8. Program will be the last class X X Please for our concerts
9. Below invited us to the English teachers of the software, Zhao we talk about teachers in the method of learning English and some of his experiences
10. English clubs this event is now about to pull down the curtain, we hope that after more than what good ideas put to us, let us work hard to unite
, The wind and waves, sailing voyage, our building better English clubs
第2个回答  2007-11-16
2006--2007 English society activity
1. Time: November X date (Monday)
2. Place:
3. Honored guest: Wang Mr./Mrs. Jin Mr./Mrs. Zhao Mr./Mrs. HanMr./Mrs. Secretary Gao
4. Active name: Fashion

1. The activity starts, the director sends the welcomingspeech

Fellow guests, teachers, the schoolmates, hello
Extremely thank everybody to be able in spite of being verybusy to extract the time to participate in English society to beginthe ceremony
Next everybody expresses the welcome by the warm applause tofellow teachers' arrival, arrives has us Wang Mr./Mrs. Jin Mr./Mrs.Zhao Mr./Mrs. Han Mr./Mrs. Secretary Gao
Today wind is especially fresh, sways our bright smiling face,flies upwards our heart joy, the school in order to rich activeschoolmates class -odd culture life,
Enhances everybody English proficiency, English spokenlanguage, the reading ability, specially has opened English massorganization
Begins at the ceremony in today, we especially invited some theschoolmate which had the attainments in English aspect for everybodyto bring the splendid program, asked everybody by to be warm
Applause welcome
2. First invites an image class of Hou Yuejia the schoolmateto sing English song for everybody "yesterday once more"
3. The next program, English small is humorous, performs by animage class of Bao silent schoolmate
4. Fills the sunlight in yours world, is brimming with thehappy expression, wields is sprinkling the enthusiasm, your enthusiasmis the all colors variegated, your world fills the illusion color
Next listens to English poem to recite ""
5. Under open the space schoolmate by ours voice actor todeduct section of English movies for everybody dubbing
6. Under I want please several schoolmates to everybody saidyou participate in English society feelings, for instance said whycomes, wants to make any
7. Receives me to have to teach everybody to make two smallgames
First first game: I beforehand prepare a word, I form give aword in letter with _ _ the _i__ everybody, asks everybody to guessother several
Is a letter any, who first guesses correctly this word to winon the acid
8. Last the program invited X class X sings for us
9. Next our software department's English teacher,Mr.Mrs. Zhao everybody narrates studies English the method and hissome experiences
10. English society this activity reaches this point soon lagsbehind the curtain, hoped everybody later will be many by any goodopinion to us proposed, will let us unite as one exerts oneselfapproaches
On, braves all hardships, hoists the sails to voyage, isbetter ours English society construction
第3个回答  2007-11-16
1. Time: November X date (Monday)
2. Place:
3. Honored guest: Wang Mr./Mrs. Jin Mr./Mrs. Zhao Mr./Mrs. HanMr./Mrs. Secretary Gao
4. Active name: Fashion

1. The activity starts, the director sends the welcomingspeech

Fellow guests, teachers, the schoolmates, hello
Extremely thank everybody to be able in spite of being verybusy to extract the time to participate in English society to beginthe ceremony
Next 面请 everybody expresses the welcome by the warm applause tofellow teachers' arrival, arrives has us Wang Mr./Mrs. Jin Mr./Mrs.Zhao Mr./Mrs. Han Mr./Mrs. Secretary Gao
Today wind is especially fresh, sways our bright smiling face,flies upwards our heart joy, the school in order to rich activeschoolmates class -odd culture life,
Enhances everybody English proficiency, English spokenlanguage, the reading ability, specially has opened English massorganization
Begins at the ceremony in today, we especially invited some theschoolmate which had the attainments in English aspect for everybodyto bring the splendid program, asked everybody by to be warm
Applause welcome
2. First invites an image class of Hou Yuejia the schoolmateto sing English song for everybody "yesterday once more"
3. The next program, English small is humorous, performs by animage class of Bao silent schoolmate
4. Fills the sunlight in yours world, is brimming with thehappy expression, wields is sprinkling the enthusiasm, your enthusiasmis the all colors variegated, your world fills the illusion color
Next 面请 listens to English poem to recite ""
5. Under open the space schoolmate by ours voice actor todeduct section of English movies for everybody dubbing
6. Under I want please several schoolmates to everybody saidyou participate in English society feelings, for instance said whycomes, wants to make any
7. Receives me to have to teach everybody to make two smallgames
First first game: I beforehand prepare a word, I form give aword in letter with _ _ the _i__ everybody, asks everybody to guessother several
Is a letter any, who first guesses correctly this word to winon the acid
8. Last the program invited X class X sings for us
9. Next 面请 our software department's English teacher,Mr./Mrs. Zhao everybody narrates studies English the method and hissome experiences
10. English society this activity reaches this point soon lagsbehind the curtain, hoped everybody later will be many by any goodopinion to us proposed, will let us unite as one exerts oneselfapproaches
On, braves all hardships, hoists the sails to voyage, isbetter ours English society construction
第4个回答  2007-11-16
第5个回答  2007-11-16
2006--2007 英语社活动
1.时间: 11月X日(周一)
3.嘉宾: 王老师 金老师 赵老师 韩老师 高书记
4.活动名称: Fashion
2006 - 2007 English clubs activities
1. Time: November X (Monday)
2. Location:
3. Guests: the teacher Ms. Wang Zhao, secretary of the high teacher Han teacher
4. Activities Name: Fashion


下面请大家以热烈的掌声对各位老师的到来表示欢迎,到场的有我们的王老师 金老师 赵老师 韩老师 高书记

1. The activity starts, the director sends the welcomingspeech

Fellow guests, teachers, the schoolmates, hello
Extremely thank everybody to be able in spite of being verybusy to extract the time to participate in English society to beginthe ceremony
Next everybody expresses the welcome by the warm applause tofellow teachers' arrival, arrives has us Wang Mr./Mrs. Jin Mr./Mrs.Zhao Mr./Mrs. Han Mr./Mrs. Secretary Gao
Today wind is especially fresh, sways our bright smiling face,flies upwards our heart joy, the school in order to rich activeschoolmates class -odd culture life,
Enhances everybody English proficiency, English spokenlanguage, the reading ability, specially has opened English massorganization
Begins at the ceremony in today, we especially invited some theschoolmate which had the attainments in English aspect for everybodyto bring the splendid program, asked everybody by to be warm Applause welcome

二. 首先请图象一班侯月皎同学为大家演唱英文歌曲 《yesterday once more》
2. First invites an image class of Hou Yuejia the schoolmateto sing English song for everybody "yesterday once more"

三. 下一个节目,英文小幽默,由图象一班鲍默同学表演
3. The next program, English small is humorous, performs by animage class of Bao silent schoolmate

四.在你的世界 里充满阳光,洋溢着喜气,挥洒着热情,你的热情是五彩斑斓的,你的世界是充满梦幻般色彩的
下面请听英文诗朗诵《 》
4. Fills the sunlight in yours world, is brimming with thehappy expression, wields is sprinkling the enthusiasm, your enthusiasmis the all colors variegated, your world fills the illusion color
Next 面请 listens to English poem to recite ""

5. Under open the space schoolmate by ours voice actor todeduct section of English movies for everybody dubbing

六. 下面我想请几位同学对大家说说你参加英语社的感想,比如说为什么而来,想做些什么
6. Under I want please several schoolmates to everybody saidyou participate in English society feelings, for instance said whycomes, wants to make any

七. 接下来我要教大家做两个小游戏
首先第一个游戏:我事先准备一个单词,我把单词中的一个字母用_ _ _i__形式给大家,请大家猜其他几
7. Receives me to have to teach everybody to make two smallgames
First first game: I beforehand prepare a word, I form give aword in letter with _ _ the _i__ everybody, asks everybody to guessother several
Is a letter any, who first guesses correctly this word to

8. Last the program invited X class X sings for us

9. Next our software department's English teacher,Mr.Mrs. Zhao everybody narrates studies English the method and hissome experiences

10. English society this activity reaches this point soon lagsbehind the curtain, hoped everybody later will be many by any goodopinion to us proposed, will let us unite as one exerts oneselfapproaches, braves all hardships, hoists the sails to voyage, isbetter ours English society construction