人教版小学五年级上册和六年级下册的英语单词 急

我是北京的 要北京出版社的 是word list(1)的单词 急用 如果对的话我给加分 谢谢了 初中留的作业 书又丢了 别人也没有 拜托了
对不起 我看错了 不是人教版 英语书的左上角写着北京市义务教育课程改革实验教材

第1个回答  2011-08-18
Unit 1 A new term
四会单词: Chinese汉语,中文;中国人English英语;英国的;英国人的week星期,周Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五subject科目,学科PE[缩写]体育课;体育教育Art美术,艺术
三会单词:Science科学,自然科学Social Science社会科学Computer Studies计算机课程interesting有趣的minus减well[用于接话语或表示犹豫、惊讶或同意等]恩,哎呀tell告诉;讲述at once立刻,马上er[表示说话时犹豫、沉吟等]哦Saturday星期六Sunday 星期天trick窍门;诡计

Unit 2 A telephone call
四会单词:her[用作宾语]她speak说,讲bad坏的,严重的get变的;得到;购买feel感觉,觉的cold伤风,感冒fine健康的,极好的wrong有毛病的,不正常的What’s wrong with you?你什么地方不舒服?
三会单词: call通话,打电话给…why为什么absent缺席stay停留,呆stay in bed待在床上hear听到,听见hope希望better好些soon不久,很快still仍然,还take服用medicine药headache头痛cough咳嗽fev er发烧toothache牙痛 earache耳痛backache背痛stomach ache胃痛say说,讲rest休息number数字choose选择

Unit 3 Hobbies
四会单词:collect收集stamp邮票many许多ship船,轮船go shopping购物every每一aunt伯母;舅母;婶;姨;姑uncle叔;伯;舅;姑父;姨夫
三会单词:hobby业余爱好(复数hobbies) beautiful美丽的,漂亮的classmate同班同学Chinese中国的;中国人的animal动物take photos拍照coin硬币grow种植keep饲养goldfish金鱼clothes衣服water浇水same相同的
Unit4 An English friend
四会单词:e-mail电子邮件busy忙(碌)的 town城镇,城usually通常well好fast快地;快的high高地;高的from从;来自from…to …从……到……
三会单词: age年龄surf浏览;在网上冲浪 Internet互联网,英特网London伦敦loudly大声地beautifully美地carefully小心地,仔细地quietly安静地,静静地cannot=can’t不能
Unit 6 At a PE lesson
四会单词: foot脚(复数feet)time次turn旋转;转left左,左边;左边的right右,右边;右边的;向右hand手leg腿arm手臂touch触摸,接触
三会单词:follow遵照;服从order[常用复数]命令line排,行exercise锻炼;做操up向上;起来down向下up and down上下stop停;停止lie躺lie on one's back仰躺back背lift up抬起with以;用;随身knee膝盖bend使弯曲everybody每人,人人neck颈,脖子shoulder肩膀finger手指toe脚趾

Unit 7 A busy day
四会单词: night夜;夜间half半;一半;半个past过ready准备好的take服用;做;拿really真正地;确实begin开始face脸game游戏;运动;比赛
三会单词:yet尚;还brush刷tooth牙齿(复数teeth)with以;用;随身a quarter一刻钟,四分之一on duty值日quick快的;快地

Unit 8 At the weekends
三会单词:talk about谈论of course当然cartoon卡通ant蚂蚁bee蜜蜂butterfly蝴蝶dragonfly蜻蜓firefly萤火虫grasshopper蚱蜢cricket蟋蟀cicada蝉insect昆虫glow发光carry运,搬other别的;其余的primary school小学(special特别的)group组;群brave勇敢的fight打架people人,人们

Unit 9 The English club
四会单词: British英国人America(USA)美国French法语;法国(人)的city城市visit访问;参观American美国人;美国(人)的Japan日本Japanese日本人;日本(人)的;日语France法国England (UK)英格兰;英国(人)的
三会单词:club俱乐部visitor来访者;参观者New York纽约different不同的country国家Chinese中国人Australia澳大利亚Australian澳大利亚人travel旅行around在…….周围 housewife家庭主妇story故事him他(he的宾格)本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-08-05


第3个回答  2011-08-04
第4个回答  2011-08-08
( )1. It seems that you are never _________ pocket money.
A. need B. short C. short of D. want
( )2. The __________is used to help you to control the computer.
A. mouse B. keyboard C. monitor D. main unit
( )3. My neighbor has _________ one-month-old baby to look after.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( )4. As students, we shouldn’t always depend _____ our parents.
A. in B. at C. for D. on
( )5. Your brain can understand the meaning of things better and _______new ideas.
A. invent B. think C. create D. find out
( )6. People _____a computer some instructions by ____a program into it.
A. give; put B. giving, putting C. give .putting D. giving. put
( )7. Plastics can be used all kinds of things now.
A. to making B. to make C. making D. make
( )8. The price of a computer is .
A. expensive B. cheap C. small D. high
( )9. There ________ tiny, hidden computers in your home that you don’t realize.
A. maybe B. may be C. mustn’t be D. can be
( )10. I have given him ______, but he has never taken any of it.
A. much advice B. many advices C. some advices D. lots of advices
( )11. The boy just stood before the car. He _________ the danger.
A. unaware of B. was unaware of C. aware of D. was aware for
( )12. The pancake usually tastes____.
A. delicious B. deliciously C. well D. wonderfully
( )13. Suddenly he _______ from his chair and ______ his voice.
A. rose, raised B. raised, rose C. rose, rose D. raised, raised
( )14. ___________ useful information he has collected!
A. What an B. What a C. How D. What
( )15. There is ________ in today’s newspaper.
A. something interesting B. interesting something
C. something interested D. interested something
( )16. Nancy rarely goes to school without breakfast, ________?
A. doesn’t she B. does she C. isn’t she D. is she
( )17. I really don’t know __________with the machine.
A. what to do B. how to do C. to do what D. to do how
( )18._________huge amounts of information the computer has stored!
A. How B. How a C. What a D. What
( )19.I don’t have any experience ______the time being, but I’m a fast learner.
A. on B. at C. for D. with
( )20. They are very tired. Let them___a rest.
A. stop having B. to stop having C. stop to have D. to stop to have
( )21. The doctor spent about three hours ________ the patient.
A. operating B. operating on C. to operate D. to operate on
( )22. The boy was asked_________ spend too much time on computer games.
A. not B. to not C. didn’t D. not to
( )23. Do you know the answer __________the question, Mr. Black?
A. of B. for C. to D. with
( )24. What __________to us if computers__________ our jobs?
A. happens, do B. will happen, will do
C. will happen, do D. happens, will do
( )25. I haven’t decided __________.
A. to take which train B. which to take a train
C. which train to take D. which train taken
( )26. She said she __________ to the bus stop.
A. needs to walk B. needed to walk
C. need walks D. doesn’t need to walk
( )27. Although Jane is only six, she knows ______________ well.
A. how to do B. what to do it C. how to do it D. why to do
( )28. You must remember _____ me a phone call as soon as you get there.
A. giving B. to give C. gave D. give
( )29. I have no time ________ your excuse.
A. hear B. to hear C. to listen to D. listening
( )30. John, you ________ buy the tickets for me, we have already got there.
A. don’t need B. haven’t to C. don’t need to D. needn’t to
( )31. Computers can store________ information than human beings can.
A. much B. more much C. much more D. so much
( )32. Computers may be___than judges and teachers___doing their jobs.
A. better, in B. worse, in C. better, at D. poorer, at

( )33. China is larger than _________ in Asia.
A. any other country B. any country
C. any other countries D. any countries
( )34. Mary is able to speak English ________ Tom.
A. as fluent as B. so fluently as
C. more fluent than D. as fluently as
( )35. Computers will become______.
A. moderner and moderner B. more and more moderner
C. much and much modern D. more and more modern
( )36.A: Does Mary write as ______ as Betty?
B: No, Betty writes _____ than Mary. Betty writes ______ in our class.
A. careful; more carefully; the most careful
B. carefully; more carefully; most carefully
C. more careful; careful; the most careful
D. more carefully; carefully; most carefully
( )37. I think that the film “The Lord of Ring” was one of _____ films that I have ever seen.
A. the wonderful B. most wonderful
C. the most wonderful D. a wonderful
( )38. I like _____ of the twins.
A. the young B. the youngest C. the younger D. younger
( )39.China is bigger than _____ in Africa.
A. any other countries B. any other country
C. any countries D. any country
( )40. The computer of this kind can work ________ than the one of that kind.
A. hundred of times faster B. a hundred
C. hundred times faster D. hundreds of times faster追问

啊 是单词!!!