
我初中毕业后专修过两年的商业课程。英语听说能力强:学过速记,打字,公关和电脑:对秘书工作感兴趣。 用英语!!在线等!
不准用翻译器和抄袭!!好 的追加50分!谢!

第1个回答  2007-07-30
After my junior middle school graduates has specialized in two year commercial curricula.English hears ability: Has studied the shorthand, the typing, the public relations and the computer: Works to secretary feels interest
第2个回答  2007-07-30
After my junior middle school graduates specially has repaired two years commercial curriculum. English hears the ability strongly: Has studied the shorthand, the typing, the public relations and the computer: Works to the secretary is interested本回答被网友采纳