

第1个回答  2015-10-14
The tennis movement is liked deeply the people,extremely rich pleasure sports.It not only is one kind whiles away the time,one kind improves one's health way,also is one kind of art pursues and enjoys,certainly it is one kind of exciting competition project.Plays tennis,civilized,lofty,the movement is exquisite,splits out one time every time the good shot,all can make one feel excitedly exceptionally,happy incomparable.
Plays tennis may raise the people quick-moving,the judgment is accurate,responded quick and can enhance the speed,the strength,the endurance,keenly and so on the qualities,to develops the coordination to have the positive role.
The tennis is a good for both young and old movement,all may act according to individual physical strength situation from 8-9 year-old child to 60-70 year-old people to carry on the exercise.The long-term insistence tennis activity,can make the human to maintain the youth vigor and the healthy shape,maintains the exuberant energy and the full mood.The tennis separates the project which the net resists,does not have the bodily contact,safe,elegant.Moreover,plays tennis needs to have a match perhaps the ball friend,like this through plays tennis may promote the friendship,the enhancement unity,the exchange skill at ball games,the development social activity.
The tennis and the golf,the bowling,the pool bingcheng are the world four big gentleman movements.Its origin may trace to 12-13 century France,at that time in the missionary the popular one kind the game which hit a ball with the palm of the hand,the method is two people separates a string in the open area,which made is hitting with the palm of the hand the cloth wrapper the ball hair hits.14 century middles,this kind the indoor sport which whiles away the time for the aristocrat spreads to England from France,16-17 century is the England and France palace is engaged in the tennis activity the prosperous time,the common people does not have the good fortune to step in,the tennis is called “the aristocrat movement”.
In 1873,the English M.wingfield the early tennis fighting method improvement,1874 has further determined the location size and the net height.In 1875,English Board Ball Club has formulated the tennis contest rule.In July,1877 has held the first session of lawn tennis tournament by entire English Board Ball Club in Wimbledon,afterwards this organization changed the tennis location the rectangle (23.77 meter *8.23 rice),each bureau used 15,30,40 and so on records points the law,the net is highly 99 centimeters.In 1884,forced this board ball club by English London Mary to change highly the net 91.40 centimeters.From this time on the tennis movement runs out the palace,moved towards the society.On March 1,1912,Australia,England,France and so on 12 country's nets cooperated representative,held the conference in Paris,established the international tennis federation,the headquarters has been located in London.In 1980,Chinese Tennis Association is admitted for this can the full member.15 minute system origins with 15 divide into record points the law to begin in for 15 centuries,it is refers to in the astronomy the sextant.The sextant altogether has 60 degrees equally with 1/6 circle,each degree divides into for 60 minutes.At that time the tennis competed each bureau to have 4 minutes,4 15 divided into once,4 15 degrees constituted 1/6 circle,used 15 to calculate each ball for the cardinal number the success and failure.As for 45 alters to 40 is for the newspaper minute pronunciation simple reason.At first each is 4 games,each game of 4 minutes.Changes each 6 games to the beginning of the 17th century.本回答被网友采纳