

第1个回答  推荐于2018-05-12
(Mriarty=M, Sherlocl=S, Watson=w)

M——Everything what i want to say has already crossed your mind.
S——Then possibility my answer has crossed yours.
M——It`s a dangerous habit to finger loaded firearms in the pocket of one`s dressing gown. Or are you just pleased to see me?
S——You`ll forgive me for taking precautions.
M——I`d be offened if you didn`t.Obxiously, I`ve return the courtesy.
I like your rooms.They smell so...manly.
S——I`m sure you acquainted yourself with them before now.
M——Well you are always on your little adventures for the Sfrand. Tell me, does the illustrator travel with you? Do you have to pose...during your deductions?
S——I`m aware of all six occasions you have visitied these apartments during my absence.
M——I know you are. By the way, you have a surprisingly comfortable bed. Did you kown that dust is largely composed of human skin.
M——Dosen`t taste the same, though, you want your skin fresh, just a little crispy.
S——Won`t you sit down?
M——That`s all people really are, you kown, dust waiting to be distributed. And it gets everywhere, in every breath you take, dancing in every sunbeam, all the use-up people.
S——Fasinating, I`m sure. Won`t you sit...
M——People, people, people! Can`t keep anything shiny. Do you mind if I fire this? Just to clean it out. Exactly, let`s stop playing. We don`t need toys to kill each other. Where`s the intimacy in that?
S——Sit down.
M——Why? What do you want?
S——You choose to come here.
M——Not sure, you know that`s not true. What do you want, Sherlock?
S——The truth.
M——That. Truth`s boring. You didn`t expact me to turn up at the scene of the crime, did you? Poor old Sir Eustace. He got what was coming to him.
S——But you couldn`t have killed him.
M——Oh, so what? Dose it matter?Stop it, stop this. You don`t care about Sir Eustace, or the Bride, or any of it. There`s only one thing in this whole bussiness that you find interesting.
S——I know what you are doing.
M——The Bride put the gun in her mouth and shot the back of her head off and then she came back, impossible, but she did it. And you need to know now. How? Did you? It`s tearing your wold apart,not knowing.
S——You`re trying to stop me... to distract me, derail me.
M——Beacause dosen`t this remind you anther case? Hasn`t this all happened before? There`s nothing new under the sun. What was it? What was it? What was that case? Do ou remember? It`s on the tip of my tongue. It`s on the tip of my tongue. It`s on the tip of my tongue. It`s on the tip...of my tongue.
S——For the sake of Mrs Hudson`s wallpaper, I must remind you that one false move with your finger and you will be dead. I`m sorry?
M——Dead...is the new sexy. Well, I `ll tell you what, that rather blows the cowebs away.
S——How can you alive?
M——How do I look? You can be honest, is it noticeable?
S——You blew your own brains out, how could you survive?
M——Or maybe I could backcomb.
S——I saw you die. Why aren`t you dead?
M——Because it`s not the fall that kills you, Sherlock. Of all people, you should know that, it`s not the fall, it`s never the fall. It`s the landing.

M——Too deep, Sherlock, too deep. Congratulations,you will be the first man in history to be buried in his own Mind Palace.
S——The setting is a shade melodramatic, don`t you think?
M——For you and me? Not at all.
S——What are you?
M——You know what I am. I`m Moriarty. The Nepolen of crime.
S——Moriarty`s dead!
M——Not in your mind. I`ll never dead there. You once called your brain is a hard drive. Well, say hello to the virus. THis is how the end, you and I. Always there, always together.
S——You have a maganificent brain, Moriarty. I admire it. I concede it may even be the equal of my own.
M——I`m touched. I `m honoured.
S——But when it comes to the matter of unarmed combat on the edge of the precipice. You`re going in the water, shot-arse.
M——Oh, you think you`re so big and strong, Sherlock? Not with me. I`m your weakness! I keep you down! Every time you stumble, every time you fail, when you`re weak, I am there. No, don`t try to fight it, lie down and lose. Share we go over together? It has to be together, dosen`t it? At the end, it`s always just you and me!
W——Professor, if you wouldn`t mind stepping away from my friend, I do believe he finds your attention shade annoying.
M——That`s not fair, there`s two of you.
M——Ugh, why don`t you two just elope? For God`s sake!
