
你是否经常觉得很努力, 但却没有收获?
方向错了, 再努力也没有用。

第1个回答  2013-10-14

    Do you often feel tthat you have really tried your best but gained nothing?

    Sometimes it is not because you haven't worked hard enough, but the wrong direction you have tried from the start.

    No mater how hard you've teried is useless when your direction / aim is wrong.


第2个回答  2013-10-14
Do you often feel you work very hard but get no gains?
Sometimes, it's not that you are not worked hard enough but in the very beginning you chose wrong direction.
Hard work is in vain once the direction is wrong.
第3个回答  2013-10-14
Do you always feel that you are doing the best but no gain?
Sometimes it's not like that you are not work hard enough, you start with wrong direction.
It's useless with wrong direction no matter how hard you are working .
第4个回答  2013-10-14
Are you trying hard but getting nowhere?
Sometimes it is not that you are not trying, but from the very beginning you are astray.
Without the correct direction, all efforts are wasted.本回答被提问者采纳
第5个回答  2013-10-14
Don't you work hard but have no gains?
Sometimes it is not that you are not working hard, but from the very beginning you are astray.
Without the correct direction, all efforts are in vain.