
1.You are takling with Mr.Smith at a party when your friend ZhangYu comes up.Make the introduction between them.
2.Suppose a foreign friend of yours wants to be introduction to someone you know.How might he ask for an introduction?And what would you say?
3.You meet an old friend of yours ,whom you haven't seen for a long time.How would you greet each other?
4.Suppose you see your brother off at the railway station.How would you say farewell to each other?
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第1个回答  2011-09-28
Any dialogue needs small talks and communication topics. As for greetings and introductions, you can make a dialogue based on the personal information, such as his family, job, hobbies, hometown,etc, anything that can spread the talk without touching taboos topics.Give you an example.
当中介人介绍时:Mr. Smith, I would like you to see a friend of mine. This is Zhangyu. He is the HR assistant from our department.(职位) We have known each other for 5 years.(诸如此类)
跟久未谋面的老朋友打招呼:Hey, Jane, long time no see! It has been 3 years since last time we met. How have you been?/ How is everything?/How are you doing?/ Where have you been for these years?(it can be any questions you want to know.)
送别:It could be years since this departure. Let's keep intouch./Please do take care of youreself . /Don't forget to wrtie/call to me. I will miss you. /
Have a nice/safe trip!(任何表达情意与祝愿的句子)

第2个回答  2011-09-25

哦 。没事,谢谢你。


You're welcome.
