

第1个回答  2011-09-29
To Whom It May Concerned

This serve to certify that Mr. XXX worked in XX工艺品加工厂[XX Arts Processing Factory] for administrative works during the period from July 2008 to Nov 2009. his monthly salary was Renminbi4000.

行政工作 : administrative works
管理工作: general management
推销员工作: sales
第2个回答  2011-09-29
This is to certify that Mr XXX from 2008 July to 2009 November in XX crafts factory engaged in administrative work ( salesman ), monthly wages is 4000 yuan.
Hereby certify that本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-09-29
I think you need the certificate for visa, right ? You can ask your bank print out your fincal record of lastest three months. Wish you luck.