英语 汉译英

1、It is important that the hotel receptionist _______________(确保顾客正确登记).2、Discussion at the meeting_________(限制在)the agenda.3、Some members of the committee were opposed ______(动用会员的钱财去重新装修会议大厅).4、The early pioneers had to________(经历许多艰难困苦)to settle on the new land.5、Mr.johnson made full preparation for the experiment _______(以便实验能顺利进行).

第1个回答  2011-11-24
确保顾客正确登记:Ensure that customer properly registered
限制在:Limit in
动用会员的钱财去重新装修会议大厅:Use the money to decorate afresh member of the conference hall
经历许多艰难困苦:Experienced many hardships
以便实验能顺利进行:So that the experiment can be carried out smoothly
第2个回答  2011-11-22
making sure the customer is properly registered
use membership money to redecorate the meeting hall
experienced many hardships
so that the experiment can proceed对的 同意
第3个回答  2011-11-21
make sure that guests are registered correctly.
Some limit in
by using the member's money to rebuild the meeting hall
experience many difficulties and hardships
so that the experiment can be carried out smoothly本回答被网友采纳
第4个回答  2011-11-22
making sure the customer is properly registered
use membership money to redecorate the meeting hall
experienced many hardships
so that the experiment can proceed