

1. Do you generally speak to people before they speak to you?
It depends on the circumstances.

2.What was the last book you read? Movie you saw? Sporting event you attended?
Talk about books, sports or films to show that you have balance in your life.

3. What is the toughest part of a job for you?
Be honest. Remember, not everyone can do everything.

4. Are you creative?
Yes. Give examples that relate to your current job.

5. How would you describe your own personality?
Balanced is a good word to use, but remember the type of company you are interviewing at. Some companies may want someone who is aggressive and a go-getter.

6. Are you a leader?
Absolutely! Cite specific examples using your current job as a reference point.

7. What are your future goals?
Avoid, "I would like the job you advertised." Instead, give long-range goals.

8. What are your strengths?
Present at least three and relate them to the company and job you are interviewing for.

9. What are your weaknesses?
Don’t say that you don’t have any. Try not to cite personal characteristics as weaknesses, but be ready to have one if the interviewer presses. Turn a negative into a positive answer: "I am sometimes intent on completing an assignment and get too deeply involved when we are late.

第1个回答  2009-04-14
1 。你是否会在他们与你沟通之前去和别人进行通常的沟通?


3 。你在工作中遇到最困难的部分是什么?

4 。你是否是有创新的头脑?

5 。你会如何形容自己的个性?

6 。你是一个领导者吗?

7 。您未来的目标是什么?
回避正面的回答,代替说 “我所喜欢的工作正是你广告中所要的。”,给一个长远的目标敷衍下。

8 。你有什么优势?

9 。你有什么弱点?
不要说你没有任何弱点。尽量不要举出过于个性的弱点,但随时准备能举出有一个弱点如果面试官要求的话。反过来否定会是一个明智的回答: “当我们结束时,我会经常去改正这个方面并且坚持下去。
