

第1个回答  2017-04-01
Hi Jane,
Care to do some tree planting with us this Sunday? Might be interesting -- if you like trees or planting, that is.
Ok, so much for the kidding. I would be really happy if you can come to our tree-planting. A lot of the class will be going and it will be a lot of fun. At least it will be much more fun than just digging holes. And it's quite meaningful. The world can always use a little bit more green, can't it?
Really looking forwards to your coming!
Li Hua
第2个回答  2019-12-21
Hi Jane,
Care to do some tree planting with us this Sunday? Might be interesting -- if you like trees or planting, that is.
Ok, so much for the kidding. I would be really happy if you can come to our tree-planting. A lot of the class will be going and it will be a lot of fun. At least it will be much more fun than just digging holes. And it's quite meaningful. The world can always use a little bit more green, can't it?
Really looking forwards to your coming!
Li Hua
第3个回答  2020-03-21
Dear Michacl
We are so glad that you want to join us in our activities on Tree-planting Day. We will meet at the school
gate at 7 30 in the morning and then take the bus to where trees are to be planted in the country.Don'tbe
Planting trees on Tree-planting Day is meaningful, but that's not enough. Not until everyone realizesthe
urgency and importance of tree-planting will our world be kept green and beautiful.So in theafternoonwe
will pay a visit to local families, trying to raise their environmental awarencss so that they will take positive
actionto protect nature. I'm sure you will have a wonderful day.
第4个回答  2017-04-01


第5个回答  2017-04-01