all, none, each, every的用法


第1个回答  2022-07-18
all既可以代指可数名词复数,表示“(三者或者三者以上)都”,做主语时,谓语动词用主语是复数时的形式,比如:All present were shocked by the news. 所有在场的人都被这个消息震惊了。

all也可以代指不可数名词,表示“一切”,比如:All is going well. 一切顺利。

all也可以做限定词,限定可数名词复数或者是不可数名词,比如:All roads lead to Rome. 条条大道通罗马。All work has been done.

另外有“all of+名词”结构。比如:All of the students like her. All of the milk is here.

此外not all表示部分否定,意思是“并非全都”,比如:Not all of them are well-behaved.

none可表示“(三者或三者以上)都不”,经常用于none of结构中,可以代指名词,但不做限定词。

none可以用来代指可数名词复数,做主语时,谓语动词用单数和复数都可以,比如:None of them are/is aware of the risk.

none也可以表示“一点也不”,用来代指不可数名词,做主语时,谓语动词用单数,比如:None of the money was given.

each可表示一定范围中的“每一个”,用来指代单数可数名词,做主语时,谓语用单数形式,比如:Each has his own opinion. 每个人都有自己的意见。

它也可以做限定词,后加可数名词单数,比如:Each student has been given their own email address. (his or her听起来有点正式,现在普遍使用their)

each可以用在“each of+复数名词”结构里,比如:Each of the houses is different.

every只能做限定词,限定可数名词单数或抽象名词(reason, chance, right, confidence,success等),比如:Every day seems the same to her. I wish you every success.

every可以用在带有基数词和序数词的名词前,表示所涉及的间隔,翻译为“每隔……”,比如:every ten minutes 每十分钟;every third day 每隔两天。

用“every other+单数名词”可以表示“每隔一”,比如:every other week 每隔一周。

“every few+名词复数”翻译为“每隔几”, 比如:every few years 每隔几年。

every可以用在结构“every one of+名词复数”,比如:I bought a dozen eggs and every one of the eggs was bad.

each强调个体,every强调整体,比如:Each member is in favor of this proposal. Every member is in favor of this proposal.这两句话的侧重点就不同,前者可以翻译为:每个成员都赞成这项提案。后者可以翻译为:所有成员都赞成这项提案。

each可用于两者,every不能表示两者,比如:I have two sisters. Each (Every X) of them has a nice house.

each不可用于否定句,every可以用于否定句。比如:Not every (Not each X) student understood what he said.