

第1个回答  推荐于2017-12-16
防晒霜其实对皮肤的危害都有点 只是人体差异危害也不一样 因为防晒霜都比一般霜类厚重 就算是轻盈质地的都还是会多多少少堵塞毛孔 所以选的时候要注意 一般物理防晒的比其他类厚 化学防晒稳定性 和抗过敏性较差 防晒指数不高 物理防晒推荐碧欧泉的 用过后 也不油腻 化学防晒推荐理肤泉 不会过敏 而且质地轻盈 兰蔻的用过很厚重 “(其他本人没用过,所以也不能很好的推荐)本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2015-06-10
I don't want to use people's joy to my heart sad replaced; also don't want to let my heart sad and tears into laughter. I hope my life will be tears and laughter: tears will purify my heart, let me understand life secret and its inside; smile make me close to my fellow human beings, it is a symbol of the symbol, I praise the lord. Tears makes me to express my sorrow and regret; sm功法ile showed me happiness and joy of their existence.I am willing to pursue the ideal to death, not bored. I hope in my heart, there is a kind of to be like hunger and thirst to the pursuit of love and beauty. Because in my opinion, those who have nothing to do all day, is the most unfortunate people, like a dead-alive person; and in my opinion, those who aim high, have the ideal, ambitious people sigh is so sweet, better than orchestral playing.The night comes, the flowers will Baner find, hugged her desire to sleep; the morning comes, she opened to lip, the sun's kiss. Spend life is long and making, is the tears and laughter.Seawater evaporation, transpiration, accumulated into the clouds, floating in the sky. The clouds in the mountains above the wind sway, meet, is crying to the field had fallen, it sinks into the river, back to the sea -- it home. The cloud 's life is respectively and reunion, is the tears and laughter. So a man: he was out of the noble spirit, in the physical world from Bashan; he is like a cloud, after sorrow mountain, through the joy of plain, met death wind, he returned to his starting point: to love and beauty of the sea, back to the side of the main.