

第1个回答  2024-05-26
1. Meat wrapped in thin mung bean flour pancake (煎饼馃子)
The popular street food, jianbing guozi, consists of a thin pancake made from mung bean flour, filled with minced meat.
2. Egg and shrimp wrapped in corn flour pancake (糊饼)
Hu Bing is a delicious delicacy where an egg and shrimp are wrapped in a pancake made from corn flour.
3. Fried tofu with egg wrapping (锅塌豆腐)
Guo Ta Do Fu is tofu fried with an egg wrapper, creating a savory dish with a delicate texture.
4. Wheaten cake boiled in meat broth (卤煮火烧)
Luzhu Huoshao is a wheaten cake, which is boiled in a meat broth, offering a rich and flavorful experience.
5. Fried wheaten pancake with meat and sea cucumber fillings (褡裢火烧)
Da Lian Huoshao is a fried wheaten pancake, which is filled with meat and sea cucumber, a delicacy with a unique taste.
6. Fried butter cake (奶油炸糕)
Nai You Zha Gao is a delightful fried butter cake, rich in taste and texture.
7. Fried cake with fillings (烫面炸糕)
Tang Mian Zha Gao is a fried cake with various fillings, a sweet treat loved by many.
8. Fried dry soybean cream with diced meat filling (炸响铃)
Zha Xiang Ling is a fried soybean cream with a diced meat filling, creating a crispy and savory snack.
9. Dried Soy Milk Cream in Tight Roll with Beef Fillings (炸卷果)
Zhua Juan Guo is a tight roll of dried soy milk cream filled with beef, a delicious and savory snack.
10. Lotus ham (莲枣肉方)
Lian Rou Zao Fang is lotus-shaped ham, a dish with a unique combination of flavors and textures.
11. Pork in broth (苏造肉)
Su Zao Rou is pork cooked in a broth, a traditional dish with a rich history in Beijing.
12. Goat/sheep intestine filled with blood (羊霜肠)
Yang Shuang Chang is a dish made from goat or sheep intestine, filled with blood, offering a unique and savory taste.
13. Beef wrapped in pancake (门钉肉饼)
Men Ding Rou Bing is a beef dish, wrapped in a pancake, creating a savory and juicy treat.
14. Soft fried tenderloin (软炸里脊)
Ruan Zha Li Ji is a soft and tender fried tenderloin, a delicious dish loved by many.
15. Meatballs soup (清汤丸子)
Qing Tang Wan Zi is a soup made with meatballs, a comforting and flavorful dish.
16. Fried sesame egg cake (开口笑)
Kai Kuo Xiao is a fried sesame egg cake, with a crispy exterior and a soft interior, a delightful treat.
17. Pork fat with flour wrapping glazed in honey (蜜汁葫芦)
Mi Zhi Hu Lu is pork fat wrapped in flour and glazed with honey, a dish with a sweet and savory taste.
18. Glazed fried egg cake (金丝糕)
Jin Si Gao is a fried egg cake, glazed and coated, offering a delightful and sweet taste.
19. Steamed egg cake (碗糕)
Wan Gao is a steamed egg cake, a traditional and popular dessert in Beijing.
20. Lotus shaped cake with chicken meat (莲蓬鸡糕闹庆)
Lian Peng Ji Gao is a lotus-shaped cake filled with chicken meat, a unique and delicious dish.
21. Fried thin pancake with meat stuffing (炸卷果)
Zha Juan Guo is a fried thin pancake filled with meat stuffing, a crispy and savory snack.
22. Noodles (Can be either vegetarian or served with meat)
Noodles are a common dish in Beijing, available in various forms, either vegetarian or served with meat.
23. Noodles with Thick Gravy (打卤面)
Da Lu Mian is a type of noodle dish, served with a thick gravy, a hearty and savory meal.
24. Zhajiang mian (炸液世握酱面)
Zhajiang mian is a noodle dish, where the noodles are mixed with a spicy bean paste sauce, a popular dish in Beijing.
25. Naked oats noodle (莜面搓鱼)
You Mian Cuo Yu is a type of noodle dish made from naked oats, offering a unique and delicious taste.
26. Vegetarian
Vegetarian dishes are also popular in Beijing, offering a variety of options for those who prefer not to consume meat.
27. Mustardy Chinese cabbage (芥末墩)
Jie Mo Dun is a dish made from mustardy Chinese cabbage, a spicy and flavorful side dish.
28. Beijing preserved fruit (果脯)
Guo Pu is a type of preserved fruit from Beijing, a sweet and tangy snack.
29. Beijing candied fruit (蜜饯)
Mi Jian is a type of candied fruit from Beijing, a sweet and sticky treat.
30. Hawthorn cake (京糕)
Jin Gao is a Hawthorn cake, a popular dessert in Beijing with a sweet and tart taste.
Remember, these descriptions are in English, aiming to introduce the delicious and diverse Beijing snacks to those who might not be familiar with them, thus promoting our rich Chinese culture.