完型答案whether you have a young son or daughter or

ou simply

第1个回答  2015-12-29
Whether you have a young son or daughter or you simply would like to shop for your favorite kid, there are many toys ___36___ for you to give the kid you have in mind! The question becomes, with all this ___37___ around, you'll often find yourself a little bit __38__ at what might be the right choice. When you are in such a situation, however, you should always remember that construction toys are great when it ___39___ to young children, for a variety of reasons. Building toys can do excellent things for the motor reflexes(运动反射) of a young boy or girl, and the child you have in mind will be happy to ___40___ toys, with which they can ___41___ and create.
When you are looking at young children, perhaps the first things you think of are soft toys. Although soft toys can be very ___42___, building toys can help a child develop considerably faster! Many say that ___43___ of sex, small children are instinctively attracted by toys that ___44___ them to be builders and architects. One way to ___45___ this is by purchasing a set of small wooden blocks and planks(木板) that are ___46___ to a child's hands. These toys, while simple, give a child a sense of ___47___ over his or her environment and can help them learn more about it as well.
Though you might not ___48___ see it, construction toys also make children more ___49___. Think about a small child building a house with you. When the house is done, you can always ask the child who he or she thinks lives there.
Many parents are a little ___50___ as to how to play with their children, especially as those children get older, and you will soon see that if you have something to ___51___ with, like building toys or construction sets, you will be able to form a rapport(密切关系) with them.
When you are looking for toys that will both ___52___ your child and improve his or her manual dexterity(灵巧), you are ___53___ to see what you can find from construction toys. ___54___ you might not find what you are looking for right away, take a look at the innovative toys that are offered in Europe, like the KAPLA Building Planks and CLICS. Take a look around and don't let these ___55___ development years pass by without comment. This is a great time to improve your child's reflexes, so don't let them pass you both by!
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