

第1个回答  2023-01-23
英语口语频道为大家整理的旅游英语口语大全:预订座位,供大家参考:) Restaurant Reservation


  Key Sentences(重点句子)

  198.I'd like to make a reservation for tonight.


  199.A table for two,please.


  200.For what time,sir?


  201.Around 8∶30.


  202.May I have your name please, sir?


  203.A table for two for this evening at 8∶30 for Mr Frank.


  204.I would like to book a table for four for next Wednesday,December 23.


  205.What time do you like your table?


  206.At 8∶30 on next Wednesday evening.


  207.Please book it under the name of Mr.Watson.


  208.We look forward to your visit.


  209.I'd like to reserve a table for dinner.


  210.I'll reserve a table for five at 9 p.m., sir.


  211.Oh,any chance of table by window?


  212.We look forward to having you with us tonight.Thank you for calling.


  Dialogue A

  A:This is the Beihai Restaurant.May I help you?

  B:What time do you open this evening?

  A:At 7∶30.And we close at midnight.

  B:OK.I'd like to make a reservation for tonight.A table for two,please.

  A:For what time,sir?

  B:Around 8∶30.

  A:May I have your name please,sir?

  B:Frank London.

  A:A table for two for this evening at 8∶30 for Mr Frank.

  B:That's right.

  A:Thank you,Mr Frank.

  B:Thank you.Good-bye.


  Dialogue B

  Waiter:Princess Restaurant. Good morning! Can I help you?

  Caller:Yes,I would like to book a table for four for the next Wednesday,December 23.

  Waiter:Certainly,sir.What time do you like your table?

  Caller:At 8∶30 on next Wednesday evening.

  Waiter:And what is it going to be,Chinese food or Western food?


  Waiter:May I have your name,sir,please?

  Caller:Please book it under the name of Mr.Watson.

  Waiter:So it's Mr.Watson,a table for four for the evening of the next Wednesday.It is Western food and you are coming at 8∶30.

  Caller:That's right.

  Waiter:Thank you for calling us.We look forward to your visit.

  Dialogue C

  A:Good morning.Fenghua Restaurant.May I help you?

  B:Yes,I'd like to reserve a table for dinner.

  A:Certainly, sir. What time would you like your table, sir?

  B:I'm not sure, perhaps around 9 p.m.

  A:Fine!How many in your party?

  B:A party of five.

  A:Well,I'll reserve a table for five at 9 p.m.,sir,May I have your name please?


  A:Thank you,Mr Davis.

  B:Oh,any chance of a table by the window?My friends love the bird's eye view.

  A:I see.We have already received many bookings and though I cannot guarantee anything, please be assured that we'll try our best,Mr Davis. I hope you'll under-stand.

  B:I do,but I would appreciate it,if it could be arranged.

  A:I'll try my best.We look forward to having you with us tonight,Mr Davis.Thank you for calling.


  A:Good-bye,and have a nice day!

  Words and Expressions

  reservation n.保留,预定

  princess n.公主,王妃

  reserve vt.保留,预定

  guarantee vt.保证,担保

  assure vt.向……保证,使放心

  appreciate v.感谢,欣赏