


Communication is a sincere dialogue, an emotional exchange and an exchange of information. Communication can eliminate misunderstanding and calm anger.


If there is no communication, there is no interpersonal relationship!


In today's society, communication is needed between parents and children, between teachers and students, and between students.


If we can't even do this, then you can't stand up among your classmates!


Because friends hold high the torch of communication with each other, even if they are separated by the distance between heaven and earth, they can echo each other at a lonely night.


第1个回答  2020-01-04
Many students may think it to be difficult to get along well with their claamates,however,it's not
so hard as you have imagined.The relation among you should be built on believing and friendly.You can try to talk with them while you're free or in some acitvities,for instance,you can help them once they meet difficult problems in studying,etc.Then,you ought to be concerned with your classmates,and I believe that they shall show you their friendship.It's true that not only in daily life,but also even most fo time you'll get in touch with your classmates,so you shall play with them,give them your enthusiasm.Of course,once you strive,you'll finally succeed.本回答被网友采纳