

第1个回答  2024-04-05
Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Sudan. It stretches approximately 5,200 miles in length and covers an area of around 3,500,000 square miles. The topography of the desert is diverse, with the west being characterized by rocky terrain and varying elevations. This region features underground rivers that sometimes emerge to create oases. The central portion of the Sahara boasts higher elevations than other areas, including mountains such as Tahat. Despite the lack of rainfall, these mountains are snowcapped during the winter months. The eastern Sahara, known as the Libyan Desert, is arid with only a few oases.
2. The Sahara experiences a harsh climate, with scorching temperatures during the day and frigid temperatures at night. It was once a verdant region home to elephants, giraffes, and other wildlife. It is believed that around 4,000 BC, the climate became progressively drier, causing the once-fertile land to dry up and the desert to expand.