

第1个回答  2016-06-07
Students, the Dragon Boat Festival every family known! How do you like the students? - Dear students come to see me again how to have this special good day!
Usually we students, like a holiday right! Very happy, the school unexpectedly put us three days holiday. The Dragon Boat Festival this day is holiday the first day! Is my happiest most special day! The king Jue about Lin Chen and I to her home to practice dancing, we are, "61" children's Day of rehearsal for the show!
In order to give our class, teachers and students to bring a more happy, happy children's Day! We three people has created a "special" program -- dance! We went to one of the students -- Wang Jue, I often make mistakes when practicing dance, every time go wrong, Wang Jue always take an umbrella my ass, my eyes the tears do not stop in the roll, but I still endured the pain, I want a good performance for the class, the dance program for teachers, we three people act with one heart of the bitter and tired, not counting carefully to the teacher and the students for the dedication ceremony rehearsed many times. What surprised me is one of the students -- Wang Jue, she usually do not have any dance, she also taught me and Lin Chen both dance! I love this show more love very much, my classmate Wang Jue, she dance better than me and Lin Chenlia More serious, more efforts! The rehearsal process is painful, but Wang Jue is to insist in the end, she jumped more like my mentor ah!
Time on one minute of the slide in the past! Dragon Boat Festival with our rehearsal. The festival is so silent no language slipped away!本回答被网友采纳