

第1个回答  2024-03-30
1、小萝卜头:在敌人的监狱中长大的芹举,对 outside world 的模样一无所知。At age six, he began learning with the help of General Huang, demonstrating great diligence and a strong memory, holding deep respect for his teachers and often assisting adults in clandestine work. He was less than nine years old when he was murdered, having spent eight years in prison. The author uses Xiao Luobutou to highlight the残忍and inhumane nature of the enemies.
2、双枪老太婆:她是华蓥山游击队的成员,以擅长使用双枪而被誉为“双枪老太婆”。Her原型包括陈联诗、邓惠中、刘隆华。Fu Zhihao met his end at the hands of this formidable character.
3、华子良:隐藏身份最深的共产党员,他忍受屈辱、坚贞不屈。Having feigned madness, he was known as the “mad old man” by the特务 and was held in Bai Gongyuan. The特务 considered him trustworthy and often sent him to Ciqikou to buy vegetables. He managed to escape to the liberated area after learning of the evil plan to “secretly execute prisoners in batches”, providing significant contribution to the prison break plan.
4、许云峰:作者精心刻画的角色之一。Strong and courageous, Xu Yunfeng fearlessly steps up in critical moments. When he met with underground worker Li Jingyuan at Xinsheng Teahouse, the traitor Fu Zhihao led a sudden raid by the特务. Xu Yunfeng, disregarding his own safety, stood up to protect his comrades, was arrested, and sent to prison, showcasing the noble spirit of a revolutionary.
5、江姐:江姐是《红岩》中一个栩栩如生的艺术形象。As an underground worker, she possesses rich experience and heightened vigilance. At Chaoyang Dock in Chongqing, she recognized Fu Zhihao's desire for recognition when he offered to carry her luggage, demonstrating her strong party spirit.详情