

第1个回答  2022-10-05
it is better than Shenzhen but worse than HK. there are indeed robbbers riding on motor cycle grabbing your handbags occationally as I have heard from my friends living there. Just stay out of dark alley and stay in the properly lit area at night. You should be safe this way. When you board a taxi
remember to ask the driver to switch on the meter. Some taxi drivers may not turn on the meter if they think you are not local.
我去过KL多次,一般来说,治安都不是太差(个人觉得起码安全过深圳东门),但KL不似中国香港各处灯火通明,哪裹树木多阴暗,想你也不会带阿妈去逛那些地方。金三角星光大道的双子塔,行人比中国香港的shopping mall 还要多。万豪和Westin都是5星级酒店,各有千秋。Sunway Lagoon 门口多食Q (secure)守住,你想入去打刧都几难。 图片参考:imgcld.yimg/8/n/HA00167644/o/20130914073643