人教版高中英语必修5unit3learning about language答案

如果有必修5,从第三单元开始往后的书上所有答案有的话更好,呵呵,我不是抄答案,我是想写完了对一下!谢谢大家了,真的很谢谢!!help me!!

第1个回答  2014-09-06
Learning about Language
1.The dog b________ him and made his leg bleed.
2.Soon an a________came and took the injured driver to the hospital as quickly as possible.
3.A vein(血管)in his neck was cut and he b________to death.
4.Her head was b________and she was given a skin-transplant operation on her left hand.
5.With so much e________equipment, wood and paper in one place, there is a danger of fire.
答案:1.bit 2.ambulance 3.bled 4.bandaged 5.electrical
