固定电话回电提示the phoning is par off


第1个回答  2022-03-29
应该是Sorry ,the subscriber you dialed is powered off 的回答。

1.(中文)对不起,你拨打的电话已关机请稍后再拨!(英文)sorry, the phone you dial was powered off please dial later!

2.(中文)对不起,你拨打的电话不在服务区请稍后再拨!(英文)Sorry, the phone you dial is not in service, please dial later!

3.(中文)“对不起,你拨打的电话占时无法接通请稍后再拨(英文)"Sorry, the phone you dial is not available please dial later turned !

4.(中文)对不起,你拨打的电话正在通话中请稍后再拨(英文)" Sorry, the phone you dial is on a call, please dial later!