

第1个回答  2022-10-15
问题一:职位主管的英文怎么说啊 Position: Supervisor/ Director 都是可以的

问题二:技术主管 的英文怎么翻译 技术主管
chief technology officer ( CTO )
In this case, knowing how people work is actually a part of my job as a technicalleader, and it’s certainly the job of my team’s project manager.
For instance, a technical lead may always receive an e-mail regardless of buildstatus, but the project manager only receives an e-mail when the build fails.
Chris Palmer, the technology director with the Electronic Frontier Foundationadvocacy group, thinks recent rhetoric about cyber war is a *** okescreen to limitfreedom of speech on the internet.

问题三:业务主管的英文怎么说 Chief of Operations 缩写为 CoO

问题四:主管设计师 英文怎么说 Chief Designer Office
& chief stylist

问题五:总经理、副总经理、部门经理和部门主管 用英语分别应该怎么说? 总经理、
The general manager,
Deputy general manager,
Division Manager
Department Manager

问题六:人事部主管用英语怎么讲?谢谢 hr supervisor

问题七:高级主管用英文怎么说 您好!很开心能帮助您! 标准英语翻译:Senior Executive 高级主管我帮您找了一句例句,您可以参考着看一看:She is now a senior executive having worked her way up through the pany. 她在公司里逐渐升到现在的高级主管。 Actuary1.保险精算师 2.保险统计我也帮您找了一句例句,您可以参考着看一看: An actuary provides a forecast in the quantity of sufficient reserves that an insurance pany should possess.保险精算师为保险公司拥有足够的储备金提供了量的预测 如果您觉得帮到您了,谢谢采纳!

问题八:区域主管英语怎么说? Region manager区域主管

问题九:项目主管英文怎么翻译的? 项目经理 (绝穿正确) 翻译解析: 1.运维部 全称:运行维护部 Operation Maintenance Department 2.PM 即(Project Manager)的缩写 project manager 项目经理