

第1个回答  2024-04-29
1. 拼音:jiào 注音:ㄐㄧㄠˋ
简体部首: 攵, 部外笔画: 7, 总笔画: 11
繁体部首: 攴 五笔86&98: FTBT 仓颉: JDOK 郑码: BMYM 笔顺编号: 12135213134 四角号码: 48440 UniCode: CJK 统一汉字 U+6559
- 指导,训诲:~习。~头。~正。~师。~导。管~。请~。~学相长。因材施~。
- 使,令:风能~船走。
- 指“宗教”:~士。~主。~皇。~堂。
- 姓。
2. 拼音:jiāo 注音:ㄐㄧㄠˉ
简体部首: 攵, 部外笔画: 7, 总笔画: 11
繁体部首: 攴 五笔86&98: FTBT 仓颉: JDOK 郑码: BMYM 笔顺编号: 12135213134 四角号码: 48440 UniCode: CJK 统一汉字 U+6559
- 传授:~课。你~给我做。
- 教instruct teach tutor
- 教学
- 粤语:gaau1 gaau3
- 客家话:[梅县腔] gau1 gau5 [陆丰腔] gau5 gau1 [客英字典] gau5 gau1 [宝安腔] gau1 | gau5 [东莞腔] gau5 [沙头角腔] gau1 gau5 [客语拼音字汇] gau1 gau4
英语:teach, class
- 教 jiāo 〈动〉(1) 把知识和技能传授给别人 [teach; instruct]
- 教 jiāo 〈动〉(2) 使; 令; 让 [let]
- 教 jiāo 〈动〉(3) 指“宗教” [religion]
- 教 jiāo 〈名〉(1) 宗教 [religion]
- 教 jiāo 〈名〉(2) 教育; 教材 [education; teaching material]
- 教 jiāo 〈名〉(3) 教导 [gospel; educate; instruct; teach, guide; give guidance]
- 教 jiāo 〈名〉(4) 教师 [teacher]
- 教案 [lesson plan]
- 教本 [textbook]
- 教鞭 [pointer]
- 教材 [teaching material]
- 教程 [course of study]
- 教导 [gospel; educate; instruct; teach, guide; give guidance]
- 教导队 [training unit]
- 教导员 [(battalion) political instructor]
- 教范 [manual]
- 教坊 [office in charge of imperial music]
- 教父 [godfather; sponsor]
- 教会 [church; mission]
- 教诲 [teaching]
- 教化 [domesticate; civilize; educate; train in good manners]
- 教皇 [Pope; pontiff; Holy Father]
- 教门, 教门儿 [Islam; Buddha dharma]
- 教派 [sect]
- 教师 [teacher]
- 教工 [teaching and administrative staff (of a school)]
- 教官 [drillmaster; military instructor]
- 教管 [discipline]
- 教规 [canon]
- 教化 [missionize]
- 教士 [priest; clergyman; minister; Christian missionary]
- 教室 [classroom]
- 教授 [professor]
- 教条 [dogma; creed; doctrine; tenet]
- 教条主义 [dogmatism]
- 教堂 [church]
- 教具 [teaching aid]
- 教科书 [textbook]
- 教练 [train; drill]
- 教练员 [coach; instructor; trainer]
- 教龄 [length of teaching]
- 教令 [decree]
- 教门儿 [certain type of person; certain profession of people]
- 教引嬷嬷 [teach daily etiquette]
- 教instruct
- 教teach
- 教导educate
- 教诲teach
- 教化civilize
- 教案lesson plan
- 教本textbook
- 教鞭pointer
- 教材teaching material
- 教程course of study
- 教导gospel
- 教导队training unit
- 教导员(battalion) political instructor
- 教范manual
- 教坊office in charge of imperial music
- 教父godfather
- 教会church
- 教诲teaching
- 教化missionize
- 教皇Pope
- 教门, 教门儿Islam; Buddha dharma
- 教派sect
- 教师teacher
- 教工teaching and administrative staff (of a school)
- 教官drillmaster; military instructor
- 教管discipline
- 教规canon
- 教化missionize
- 教士priest; clergyman; minister; Christian missionary
- 教室classroom
- 教授professor
- 教条dogma; creed; doctrine; tenet
- 教条主义dogmatism
- 教堂church
- 教具teaching aid
- 教科书textbook
- 教练train
- 教练员coach; instructor; trainer
- 教龄length of teaching
- 教令decree
- 教门儿certain type of person; certain profession of people
- 教引嬷嬷teach daily etiquette