

第1个回答  2014-02-20
It's time 后面接虚拟语气
It’s time we ordered dinner. 现在该叫菜了。
I think It’s time you went to bed. 我想你该睡觉了。
It’s time we went [were going, should go]. 我们该走了。
It’s time you washed those trousers. 你该洗洗那条裤子了。
I’m getting tired. It’s time we went home. 我累了,我们该回家了。
I think it’s time they were taught a lesson. 我想现在该给他们一点教训了。
It’s time someone spoke up for the less privileged in our society. 应该有人为我们社会中较不幸的人说说话了。
It’s time you looked ahead and made plans for your retirement. 是你为以后想一想并对退休后的生活做出安排的时候了。