

第1个回答  2014-12-15
Scrambled egg with tomato is simple and delicious, what would you do? Here, let me introduce for youEgg, good chopped green onion garlic slices. Set asideHeat up a pan, add eggs, Fried wood-pile, eggs in the expansion of the state on the edge, immediately eggs Fried to the older, the surface is golden, remove and standbyAdd a small amount of oil, boil into the chopped green onion, Fried out spied it in tomatoes, stir a few times, add a little cooking wine a little salt, so that the tomato dilute water, fry skins to tomatoes are disengaged, soup thick, add a little sugar, salt and enough to taste, add eggs.Stir-fry for a while, drop a few drops of oil to the pan with parsley or chives on the plate.追答

翻译: 西红柿炒鸡蛋既简单又好吃,你会做吗?下面我为大家介绍一下吧鸡蛋打散,切好葱花蒜片备用锅烧热,放入鸡蛋,旺火炒,鸡蛋进去立即边上会膨胀的状态,鸡蛋炒到老一点,表面为金黄色,盛出备用加少量油,炝入葱花片,炒出香味儿后放入西红柿,炒几下,加一点料酒一点盐,好叫西红柿稀出水分,炒到西红柿皮都脱开,汤汁黏稠时,加入一点糖,和足够调味的盐,加入鸡蛋。翻炒片刻滴几滴油即可出锅,点缀香菜或香葱装盘。




 scrambled eggs andtomatos 



第2个回答  2014-12-15
How to make scrambled eggs with tomatos, now I'll show you:

First Step: one tomoto and one green chili, chop them one by one
Secondly, prepare 3 eggs, break the eggs into the bowl, and stir
Third Step: add some salt into the eggs, keep stirring
Then, warm the pan, add the oil, then egg, tomoto and green chili we prepared before.
Last Step: we fry it for 2 minutes, and then, that's it.

It's a very delicious, simple, popular and traditional family dish in China.
第3个回答  2014-12-15
Tomato scrambled eggs raw materials:
3 eggs, 150 grams tomatoes, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, salt, monosodium glutamate the amount of one tablespoon of sugar.
Production process:
1, will be washed tomatoes in boiling water for hot look after, peeled, untiringly, slice READY.
2, the eggs into the bowl, salt, whipping with chopsticks full uniform stand.
3, add 3 tablespoons of oil released fry, Add the eggs pot stand outSheng.
4 Heat the remaining oil, stir fried chip under the tomatoes, salt, sugar speculation moment, stir eggs into a fewaccompli.
frying, it is necessary tocrash. Although this dish is the most common dishes, but speculation of a known good or bad. This is really a cooking technique. Eggs can add water to make starcheggs taste better.追答


