on time和in time的区别


第1个回答  2015-10-28
【in time与on time区别】

一、in time有"及时;迟早"的意思,意指正赶上时候或恰在需要的时候,或解释为"终有一天;最后";
We were just in time for(或to catch) the bus.(我们及时赶上了公共汽车)
1.迟早, 最后
In time you'll forget him.你迟早会忘了他的。
2.及时, 不迟
He is believed to arrive in time.相信他会按时到达。
Will I be in time for the train?我赶得上那趟火车吗?
In future, make sure you get here on time.今后, 要保证准时来这里。
The doctor came in time to save his life.医生及时来抢救他的生命。
3. 经过一段时间之后

二、on time是"准时;按时"之意。如:
The train pulled in on time.(火车准时到站了)
1.按时, 准时
Don't worry! I shall awake him on time.不用担心!到时我会叫醒他的。
The alarm clock awoke me on time.闹钟按时把我闹醒了。
Afraid that I couldn't finish up the work on time, they came to help me.
他们担心我不能按时完成工作, 就来帮助我。
It was an absolute hell trying to get this report finished on time.
She made a feeble effort to get to school on time.
她努力想按时赶到学校, 但未成功。

三、in time与on time的语义区别
in作地点介词用时,其基本含义为“在内”,表示“在……(区域)范围之内”。作为时间介词用时,亦仍保持这一层意义,即表示“在……(时间)范围之内”。因而,in time实指“在某规定的时间范围内”,故解为“及时”、 “及早”或“来得及”等。例如:
But you must come and renew it if you can’t finish it in time.
At last, we reached the factory in time.
我们终于及时到达工厂。 (来得及上班)
Li Ming ran over and got the ball in time.
李明跑过去,及时接住了球。 (不失时机)
on作地点介词用时,其基本含义为“在上”,表示“在……(物体)表面之上”,引申为“接触”,即“与……(物体)表面接触”。作为时间介词用时,亦仍保持这层引申意义,即表示“与……(时间)接触”。因而,on time实指“与某规定的时间接触”,故解为“准时”、“按时”或“于规定时间”等。例如:
I’ll write to your father if you aren’t here on time tomorrow. (JB4, )
The meeting started on time.会议按时召开。 (按规定时间)
The train pulled in on time.火车准时进站。 (于规定时间到)