

第1个回答  2014-10-14
练习答案 Key to written exercises Lesson 138 A 1 He is doing the football pools. 2 No, he has never won anything on the football pools. 3 He will buy his wife a mink coat if he wins a lot of money. 4 No, she doesnt. 5 She wants to see the world. 6 He will try and win the football pools again. 7 Yes, its only a dream. 8 It all depends on‘if’. B 1 If he misses the bus, hell take a taxi. 2 If he doesnt sell his old car, he wont buy a new one. 3 If they offer me more money, Ill work less. 4 If she doesnt type the letter, hell type it himself. 5 If they come home early, the children will play in the garden. 6 If I am ill tomorrow, I wont go to work. 7 If I go to the party, Ill enjoy myself. 8 If he asks me, Ill tell him the truth. 9 If it rains tomorrow, theyll stay at home. C 1 She can live abroad if she is rich. 2 He can travel round the world if he is rich. 3 He can buy a new house if he is rich. 4 They can have a long holiday if they are rich. 5 I can enjoy myself if I am rich. 6 You can offer your boss a job if you are rich. 7 He can fly to Tokyo if he is rich. 8 She can work less if she is rich.本回答被提问者采纳