

第1个回答  2023-02-25
无 英语口语 频道为网友整理的《实用英语口语:各种旅行的意义说法》,供大家参考学习。


As a noun, 'travel' refers to the activity in general and is generally used as an uncountable noun. travel做名词的时候指的是旅行这种行为本身,通常用作不可数名词。


I enjoy travel and playing golf. 我喜欢旅行和打高尔夫。

Travel and music are two of my favorite activities. 旅行和音乐是我最喜欢的两件事。

'Travel' can also be used as a verb and refers to the activity of moving from one place to another. Generally, 'travel' is used as a general verb and is rather formal. People often use the mode of transport to express this activity. travel还可以用作动词,指的是从某地到另一地的行为。通常travel这个动词很正式,人们更愿意用交通工具来表达这种行为。


I travelled by plane to Madrid. = I flew to Madrid. 我坐飞机去了马德里旅行。= 我飞去马德里的。

She travelled more than three hundred miles to get to the meeting. = She drove more than three hundred miles to get to the meeting. 她穿越三百多公里来到会场。= 她开车开了三百多公里到达会场。

Sometimes, 'travel' is also used as a countable noun in the plural form. In this case, it is often used in the sense that someone has been to many different places during one longer journey. This usage is also rather formal, and isn't likely to be used much in everyday speech. 有时候,travel也用作可数名词,只用复数形式。在这种情况下,通常是表示一个人在一次长途旅行中到达过很多地方,这种用法也同样很正式,不经常用于生活口语中。


His travels took to the far corners of the globe. 他的旅程到达了地球最远的角落。

Ms Bancroft sketched extensively during her travels around Europe. 在环欧之旅中,Bancroft夫人画了大量的素描。