

第1个回答  2022-08-16
They often go to the park at the weekends. ---Do they often go to the park at the weekends?
I often do some shopping on Sunday. ---Do you often do some shopping on Sunday?
His mother usually washes clothes on Saturday.---Does his mother usually wash clothes on Saturday?
Tom often does his homework in the evening. ---Does Tom often do his homework in the evening?
We went to the concert last Sunday.---Did you go to the concert last Sunday?
He did some washing yesterday.---Did he do some washing yesterday?
注意:1、第二个例句中句首的do 是助动词,often后的 do是主要动词.
2、一般现在时 第三人称单数作主语时,(变问句时)用does;一般过去时(这种时态的
第二还是第三人称,不论单数还是复数,都用过去式)用did .
3、do/does/did 后边的主要动词要用原形,尤其是后两个要注意把原句(陈述句)中的动
I am speaking.--Are you speaking? He is watching TV.--Is he watching TV. They are playing basketball.--Are they playing basketball?
Lily was doing her homework at that time. --Was Lily doing her homework at that time?
The students were having an English lesson this time yesterday. --Were the students having an English lesson this time yesterday?
They will go to the park by bus.--Will they go to the park by bus?
We are going to visit the Science Museum next Sunday.--Are you going to visit the Science Musuem next Sunday?
I have finished my homework.--Have you finished your homework?
He has come.--Has he come?
如果谓语是连系动词be (am is are was were) 将be动词移到句首.
I am a nurse.--Are you a nurse? She is an American girl.--Is she an American girl?
They are in the classroom.--Are they in the classroom?
变特殊疑问句就是把句中被提问的部分(划线部分)用一个恰当的疑问词代替置于句首,再把原句变成一个一般疑问句.如:He does his homework at home in the evening.一句
对句中的地点at home进行提问 用where
Where does he do his homework in the evening?
对句中的时间in the evening进行提问 用when
When does he do his homework at home?
对所做的事情does his homework进行提问 用what ----do (do what)
What does he do at home in the evening?
对句中的主语he进行提问 用who
Who does his homework at home in the evening?