To love and to be loved(爱与被爱)


第1个回答  2022-07-08
Hello, everyone. This is Jane.
Today My topic is to love and be loved.
Nowadays, there are lots of kind of love in the world. These love maybe from our parents, friends, girls and boys.and I think love is an eternal problem, And there is no real solution.

But i just want to share my opinions with you.
I think love is responsibility,change,respect,trust and company.

You know,for a man, When he is around 30 years old, He should enter to marry, and try his best to work to give his family and children better life. I think it's a reflect of responsibility.

About change,let me tell you a real is my father.and about five years ago, My father wasdiagnosed with cirrhosis . and He was suffered with pain all day. And at that time,to be honest he really wanted to end his own life. But when he thought of me, He chose to struggle with those pain and diseases. So I think love is a persistence when you are in trouble,love is a power that you are willing to change yourself for the one you love most.

And about respect and trust.I think expecially,relationship between boys and girls,if they always search phone informations each other, mayb they will have a quarrel. And later They will break up. and I think all of these is because they don't have enough trust and their personal space .So please give more trust and respect to the people you love.

And about the company that's what I know when we go from a baby to an adult,We've had countless firsts.Most of these were done in the company of our parents'love.And I do not think if without the company I We will meet a lot of difficult on the way we grew up.So I think company is so essential for us.

and about support.i have a special expercience anout know,as for me , I can stand here. It's because my parent's support.even i can not imagine if do not their support.i can not quit my job to pursue my dream, to found life that I about it.

I am so grateful.i think it should to be loved!because it is so happiness and sweet!now, Now I remember a movie sentence: I love you once,I love you twice, I love beans and rice.

so let us learn to love others, love yourself,love the world.

大家好, 我是简。
如今, 世界上有很多爱。这些爱可能来自我们的父母、朋友、女孩和男孩, 但我认为爱是一个永恒的问题, 至今还没有准确的答案!


你知道, 对于一个男人来说, 3 0岁左右的时候, 他应该组建家庭, 尽他最大努力去工作, 让家人和孩子过上更好的生活。我觉得这是对责任多大的证明!

关于改变, 让我告诉你一个真实的故事, 这是我的父亲, 大约五年前, 我父亲被诊断为肝硬化,他整天都在痛苦中受苦。而在那个时候, 说实话, 他真的很想结束自己的生命,但当他想到我的时候, 他选择了与那些痛苦和疾病作斗争,所以我认为爱是你遇到困难时的一种坚持, 爱是一种你愿意为你最爱的人改变自己的力量。

关于尊重和信任。我想说的尤其是男孩和女孩之间,如果他们总是互相调查彼此的手机信息,,我觉得他们会吵架,然后久而久之,他们就会分手。我认为所有这些都是因为他们没有足够的信任和给予彼此足够的个人空间。所以, 请给你爱的人更多的信任和尊重吧。

关于陪伴,以下是我的理解。 当我们从婴儿到成人的时候, 我们的人生有很多的第一次尝试。而这些的大部分都是在我们父母的陪伴的关爱下做的。所以,我认为如果他们的陪伴, 我们就会在成长的道路上遇到很多困难,陪伴对我们每个人来说是那么的重要。

关于支持, 我有一个一种特别的感受, 你知道, 对我来说, 我可以站在这里,就是因为我父母的支持。即使我无法想象, 如果没有他们的支持, 我就不能放弃我的工作去追求我的梦想, 去寻找到我想要的生活。同时,我觉得这就是被爱,因为它是那么的幸福和美好!

亲爱的,让我们学会爱别人, 爱自己, 爱这个世界吧。

