
1.有时你肯定会忘记人们的名字。(be bound to)2.我出去的时候有多少人打电话来。(ring up)3.你最好不要碰钢琴,这是非常贵的。(定语从句)4.我正是在这家店买的手表。(强调句型)5.转过来,我清楚的看到了她的样子。(ing分词作原因状语)6.我们最好存点钱以备日后用。(set aside)7.校长建议每位老师都应该多鼓励他们的学生。8.他一直想参军的愿望终于实现了。(desire)9.因为顾客的要求他们重新测试了那辆跑车。(test out)10.即使你没有自信心,但是你的确在音乐方面有明显的天赋。(have a talent for)11.随地吐痰会传播疾病,这会对人们的健康造成危害。12.除此之外,还会污染环境。13.政府应该采取措施,对在公共场所随地吐痰者处以从重罚款并加强教育。13.希望人人都关心爱护环境,使城市更加美丽。

第1个回答  2013-11-12
1. Sometimes you are bound to forget people's names.2. How many people ringed up when i was out?3. You'd better not touch the piano which is very expensive.4. That is the store where i bought my watch.5. Turning around, i saw clearly what she looks like.6. We'd better set money aside now for future use.7.The president suggests every teacher to encourage her students more.8.His desire of being into the army has finally come true.9. They re-test that racing car due to customers' requirements.10 Indeed you have a talent for music, even if you're not confident.11. Spitting everywhere will spread disease, which will endanger people's health.12. Apart from this, it will also pollute the environment.13. The government shoudl take measures to punish and educate those people spitting anywhere in the public.14. Wish everyone will care our environment so as to make the city more beautiful.