

第1个回答  2022-05-21
你好 翻译如下
The stereotype of computer scientists as persons who stay up all night working and have no social life may be driving women away from the field. This stereotype can be brought to mind based only on the appearance of the environment in a classroom or an office.
附:stereotype n. 铅版, 老套, 陈腔滥调
He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled
他不像典型的城市商人那样,穿一身深色的套服、 带一把收好的雨伞.
drive 这里做"驱赶,赶走"
例句:He drove the sheep up the hill. 他把羊群往山上赶.
"When people think of computer science the image that immediately pops into many of their minds is of the computer geek surrounded by such things as computer games, science fiction memorabilia and junk food," said Sapna Cheryan, a professor of psychology. Such objects help create what Cheryan calls ambient belonging, or the feeling that you fit or don't fit in somewhere.
译:“当人们一想到计算机科学,那些被电脑游戏、科幻小说纪念品以及垃圾食物所包围的计算机狂人的形象就会立马在脑海中出现.”心理学教授Sapna Cheryan如是说道.这些物品帮助创造出了Cheryan称之的"周遭所有物"或者你适合或不适合某个地方的感觉.
附: pop into 急急走进 ...
An idea popped into his mind like a flash.
A new idea popped into my mind like a flash.
surround vt.包围, 环绕
Troops have surrounded the town.
The house was surrounded by high walls.
psychology n. 心理学, 心理状态
memorabilia n. 值得纪念的事物; 重要记事
ambient adj.周围的, 氛围的
Ambient sound; ambient air.
四周的声音; 周围的空气
fit in 适合, 适应, 融入(群体), 装配好
Do these plans fit in with your arrangements?
They fit in there.
"It is the sense you get right away when you walk into a room. You look at the objects and make an instant appraisal of how you would fit with the objects and the people who are typically found in that environment. You also make a judgment of 'I like it here' or 'I don't belong here,'" she said
附:right away 立刻; 马上 instant adj. 立即的, 即时的
appraisal n.估计, 评估
例句:All events have proved our appraisal to be correct.
A forthright appraisal; forthright criticism.
直率的评价; 直言不讳的批评

judgment n. 审判; 判决; 裁判; 判断
Cheryan set up four experiments to look at possible reasons why the proportion of women in the field is dropping.In the first experiment, students entered a small classroom that either contained objects stereotypically associated with computer science such as Star Trek posters, video game boxes and Coke cans, or non-stereotypical items such as nature posters, art, a dictionary and coffee mugs.
译:Cheryan 设置了四个实验以探寻女性工作者在计算机科学领域比例下降的可能原因.在第一个实验中,学生们进入一个小房间,这个小房间要么含有诸如《星际迷航》海报、视频游戏盒和可乐罐等与老套的电脑科学狂人相关的物品,要么含有非老套的物品诸如自然海报、艺术品、一部字典或咖啡杯等.
附:proportion n. 比例, 部份, 均衡
Her head is out of proportion to the size of her body.

associated adj.相关的 mug n.杯, 一杯的量
Women who saw the stereotypical setup expressed less interest in computer science than those who saw the non-stereotypical objects. Men placed in the same situations did not show a similar drop in interest in computer science. Cheryan said this study suggests that a student's choice of classes or a major can be influenced by the appearance of classrooms, halls and offices.
译:看到老套环境的女性,对计算机科学表现出的兴趣要少于那些看到非老套物品的女性.而在相同情况下的男性却并未相似的失去兴趣.Cheryan 称这项研究表明学生们对于其课程或专业的选择可能受到相关教室、走廊和办公室环境的影响.
附:major n. 主修,专业
influence n./v. 影响; 改变
His parents no longer have any real influence over him.
Don't let me influence your decision.
"We want to attract more people to computer science. We need to broaden the image of the field so both women and men feel more welcome. In workplaces and universities we can do this by changing the way offices, hallways and labs look. It would be nice for computer scientists in movies and television to be typical people, not only computer geeks."
v.变宽, 扩大, 开阔
Our country has been trying to broaden its commerce with other nations.
He (ie His body) broadened out in his twenties.
You should broaden your experience by travelling more.
workplace n. 工作场所 typical adj. 典型的, 有代表性的, 特有的, 独特的
geek n.反常人,电脑迷,怪胎