合同翻译 中译英

12. 装运通知.货物一俟全部装船,卖方应即将合同号、吕名、数量、发票金额、毛重、船名及启航日期用电报或信件通知买方。如因卖方未能及时通知致使买方不能及时投保,卖方则承担全部损失。
13. 质量保证.卖方保证:所供货物由最好的材料及精湛工艺制成,商标为新的和未经使用的,其质量和规格符合本合同所做的说明。自货物到达目的港起12个月为质量保证期。 
14. 索赔.自货物到达目的港起90天内,如发现货物质量、规格、数量与合同规定不符,除那些应由保险公司或由船方承担的部分外,买方可凭中国进出口商品检验总公司出具的商检证书,有权要求更换或索赔。卖方保证,货物到达目的港12个月内,如果使用过程中由于材料质量低劣和工艺不佳而出现的损坏,买方立即以书面形式通知卖方并出具中国进出口商品检验总公司开列的检验证书,提出索赔。商检证书为索赔的依据。按买方索赔要求,卖方有责任立即排除货物的缺陷、全部或部分更换或根据缺陷情况将货物作降价处理。 
翻译的好 追加100财富值

12 . As soon as the goods are shipped complete, the seller should be contract number, Lv Ming number, invoice value, gross weight, name of vessel and the date of departure, notify the buyer by cable or letter. If the buyer can not be timely insured caused by the seller fails to notify the seller will bear all the loss.
13 . The Seller shall guarantee that the goods supplied by: the best materials and exquisite workmanship, brand new and unused, the quality and specifications conform to the contract do note. The quality guarantee period is 12 months since the arrival of the goods at the port of destination.
14. Within 90 days since the goods arrive at the port of destination, such as the discovery of goods quality, specifications and quantity are not in conformity with the contract, except those claims for which the insurance company or the bear part of the ship, the buyer can use the China Import and export commodity inspection issued by the inspection certificate, have the right to claim for replacement or compensation. The Seller guarantees that the goods arrive at the port within 12 months, if the damage to materials are of poor quality and poor process which occur due to the use of the process, the Buyer immediately by written notice to seller and inspection certificate issued by the China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Corporation listed, claim. Inspection certificate as the basis of claim. According to the buyer's claim, the seller is responsible for the immediate elimination of the defect goods, all or part of the replacement or according to the defects of the goods for price reduction treatment.