
Directions: Suppose you are Li Ming. Last Monday, you lost your wallet and mobile phone in the campus and one student found them and gave them back to you. Now write a letter of about 120 words to thank him. Your letter should include:
1) 表达谢意,
2) 表达想回报的良好心愿,
3) 良好的祝福/期待,

第1个回答  2015-07-06
Our school held a firefighting drill at 4 pm on this Monday. All the teachers and students with the number of 4000 had attended the drill. The aim of the drill is to train the teachers and the students to have the abilities to self-protect and self-rescue. This drill impressed me very much. All of us really learned a lesson from drill and it reached its aim.追问

没人了 给你了。
