

第1个回答  2010-07-31
Purchases homes is also one kind of investment, present's house price stays at a high level. If bought a house several years ago the money to be possible to buy several sets now, moreover this kind of investment, only gained does not compensate and did not have the risk. You may make money the house hiring, when you thought have been old, you might do it for the second-hand house sell out, bought the new home which again liked. The loan buys the house, every month the money also, basic and present's house rent has been also similar, we strive for success, is wants to buy a room, has a genuine own family, every day lies down on own bed can smile. Rents a room the words, you will bump into the bad landlord you very much to be a scapegoat, will bump into the troublesome matter, will rent the house you will not be able to feel warmly, their house will have the warm feeling, you will repair carefully, handle it, will invite the friend to come the family to be a guest, opens sends rightly, nobody will intervene you, you do not need to have scruples anything. Had own house is settles down down in this city
第2个回答  2010-07-31
House buying is a kind of investment, the current house prices stay at high levels. If one bought a house several years ago, the current value of the house multiplied. This kind of investment is guaranteed to be profitable and free of risks. You can rent the house for mounthly incomes. When you think it is obsolate, you can sell it and buy another one you like. Monthly income from house renting is almost equal to the mortgage loan. We strive to buy a house, so that we can have a real home that makes us happy thinking of it. When you rent a house, you can be offended by you landlord if you meet a harsh one, and have a lot of troubles. You can't feel home if you rent a house other than owning one by youself. You decorate and look after your house meticulously. Nobody will intervene if you invite your friends home for party, and you don't have to warry nothing. Owning a house means to settle down in a city.
第3个回答  2010-08-01
Buying a house is an investment, the current high prices. A few years ago to buy a house if the money can now be bought several sets of it, and this investment makes money and no risk. You can rent the house to make money, when you feel old, you can also sell it as a second-hand house, buy a new house you like. Loans to buy a house, the monthly repayment of the money, the basic and current rent is about it that we struggle, is to buy a house, there's really their own home, every day lying in the bed of their own home will smile. Rent, you run into a very bad landlord you will be bullied, will encounter many troublesome things, rent a house you do not feel warm, your house will have a warm feeling, you will carefully renovated, taking care of it, invite friends to their homes, a party, no one will interfere with you, you do not have scruples. Have their own house is settled down in the city