

今天我翻看以前的邮件,我想回答你的一个问题,关于繁体字和简体字,那并不是不同的方言,那是同一种语言,只是在字体的表现形式有所不同,这是中国汉字演变的结果,一些地区仍然使用繁体字是有历史原因的!其实在生活中我觉得使用简体字比较方面,书写简洁,就拿我的名字做例子,简体:义。繁体:义。当然这不算什么,让我展示4个超复杂的汉字给你看 齉 爨 櫼 龖。感觉怎么样?

第1个回答  2009-11-29

今天我翻看以前的邮件,我想回答你的一个问题,关于繁体字和简体字,那并不是不同的方言,那是同一种语言,只是在字体的表现形式有所不同,这是中国汉字演变的结果,一些地区仍然使用繁体字是有历史原因的!其实在生活中我觉得使用简体字比较方面,书写简洁,就拿我的名字做例子,简体:义。繁体:义。当然这不算什么,让我展示4个超复杂的汉字给你看 齉 爨 櫼 龖。感觉怎么样? 用手语嘛!哈哈
第2个回答  2009-11-29
Today I went through the previous mails,I want to answer one of your questions about traditional Chinese characters and simplified characters.They are not different dialects but the same language in different forms resulted from the evolution of Chinese characters,some areas in China are still adoptting traditional Chinese characters ,which has a historical reason! As a matter of fact,I feel it more convenient to use simplified characters in life,they are concise to write,just take my name as an example,simplified character:义。traditional Chinese characters:义。This is nothing at all of course,let me display four Chinese characters which are exstremely complicated 齉 爨 櫼 龖 .How do you feel?
第3个回答  2009-11-29
Today, I reviewed the previous messages, I would like to answer your one question. In regard to the traditional and simplified Chinese characters, they are not different dialects, but the same characters, just have different manifestations of the font, which is the results of Chinese character evolution. Some regions in China still uses traditional characters owing to some historical reasons! In fact I think it is convenient to use simplified Chinese in real life, it features simple in writing, taking my name as an example, the simplified one: 义,and the traditional one: 义. Of course this is just a relatively simple example. I would like to show you four superior complicated Chinese characters: 齉 爨 櫼 龖. Terrible,isn't it?本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2009-11-29
Today, I checked the previous messages, I would like to answer your question, on the traditional and simplified Chinese. Well,that is not the different dialects, it is the same language, just different
ifestations of the font. This is the result of the evolution of Chinese characters, traditional characters still used in some areas there are historical reasons! In fact, I think in life, simplified characters are used more, the writing concise. Take my name as an example, Simplified: yi义 Traditional: yi义. Of course, this is nothing, let me show four super-complex characters you see Cuan齉 Jian爨 Da櫼 Nang龖. How does that feel like?
第5个回答  2009-11-29
I leaf through the before mail today , I want to answer a problem of you , to relate to the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character and the simplified Chinese character , that is really not a different dialect , that is the same kind of language , the manifestation only in character style different to some extent , this is Chinese Chinese character evolution result , a little area still uses the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character to have history cause! My feel like uses parallel aspect of simplified Chinese character , write concisely in fact in life, do an example , simplify the body with my first name right away: Righteousness. Complex form: Righteousness. What this certainly does not count , lets me show super-complicated 4 Chinese characters looking at ? Q Cuan ? ? ? ? for you. Feeling how?