

第1个回答  2019-01-02

酒店简介:天骄精品酒店坐落在中国十大宜居城市之一茶乡信阳,位于信阳市平桥区平安大道西段,周边配套设施齐全,购物休闲餐饮娱乐市内交通均十分便利。IntroductionTIANJIAO Hotel is located in PING AN avenue PINGQIAO area of XINYANG one of the China ten livable city.Adjacent to the hopping mall,hospital,and with convenient transportation. 酒店秉承“精致高雅舒适”的设计理念,融“传统风格”和“现代商务”为一体,温馨典雅又不失简约内敛。Our hotel grasps “the delicate not thick,elegant not common,comfortable not tired”design concept, will “traditional style”and “modern business”is and organic whole, with decorous warm but do nor break contracted inside collect design style.酒店拥有60余间精品客房,提供高效舒压枕豪华水床卫星电视免费无线WiFi宽带上网等一系列贴心服务,同时还为来宾设计了专业化的管家式服务,让每位来宾都能在这里找到家的感觉。 Carefully build 60 sets of the boutique rooms, which supply the massage pillow,free WiFi,broadband internet access and other facilities,and also provide close and costeffective housekeeper type service. Every guests feel at home when they living in our hotel. 酒店建有200平米的多功能会议厅,配备高清多媒体投影仪环绕式立体音箱等设备,同时提供打印传真宽带上网等便捷服务,可满足各层次类型会议活动。The hotel equipped with 200 square meters multifunction room, equipped with advanced equipment such as hd multimedia projector,for business meeting activity provide print,fax,translation, broadband internet access and convenient service, to meet the various types of business activities. 天骄精品酒店您理想的下榻之处,在这里,您将与惊喜温暖和感动不期而遇!TIANJIAO HOTELThe ideal hotel to stay, you will feeling the surprising,warming and have chance encounter!
